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Who Does an Alan Thicke Impression?

By Dustin Rowles | TV | January 9, 2011 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | January 9, 2011 |

Opening Monologue: I had decent hopes for Jim Carrey to start off a new year of “SNL.” He got started on “In Living Color,” and has always been a relatively reliable guest host. One of my all time favorite “SNL” skits, in fact, was Jim Carrey’s “Jimmy Tango’s Fatbusters.” Ride the snake!

The monologue, however, didn’t suggest that 2011 would be much different than 2010 on “SNL.” Neither, really, did the rest of the show.

Black Swan Parody

Jim Carrey almost feels like he’s too old to be acting like Jim Carrey anymore, but that kind of what makes this parody almost fun. It’s shades of Ace Ventura Jim Carrey, and it’s fun to watch for nostalgia reasons alone, at least until the end when it wears out its welcome, by which time you remember, “Oh yeah, this is why I didn’t like Ace Ventura 2.”

Grady Wilson’s Tantric n’ Tasty

Could Kenan Thompson make this skit funny a second time? Not really.

The Worst of Soul Train

Skip ahead, way ahead. The Jason Sudeikis and Jim Carrey numbers near the end are pretty funny. On second thought, they’re probably not worth waiting out the 30 second pre-roll.

Weekend Update: John Boehner and Nancy Pelosi

Overall, Weekend Update was horrible, save for one Mickey Rourke joke that landed. Here, more jokes about Boehner’s proclivity to weep. Not at all funny, except that Hader’s Boehner cry sounds like the Cowardly Lion.

Live-Action Animatronic Figures

Creepy. And easily the funniest skit of the night so far. If you must watch one skit from last night’s “SNL,” let this be the one.

The Psychic Who Does Impersonations

Dude! An Alan Thicke impression. Who does Alan Thicke impersonations? That’s fantastic. (An otherwise subpar skit with mostly run-of-the-mill impersonations.)

The Black Keys

Oh, wait a minute. There was a compelling reason to watch last night’s “SNL.” The Black Keys. And they rocked the joint.