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And All the Pieces Matter

"Lost: The Incident, Part 2" (S5/E17) Recap / Daniel Carlson

TV Reviews | May 19, 2009 | Comments (74)

No sense wasting time. This is a long one, and a big episode. Let’s get right back into it.

The first half of the episode ended with Ben reconsidering the life he’d given serving Jacob, and Jack and Sawyer preparing to face off in a battle of wills about whether to nuke the island. This installment begins in 2007 with Richard, Locke, Ben, Sun, and the Others resuming their trek to see Jacob. Richard’s at the head of the group, and he beings them to a halt at a certain point on the beach. When Locke asks why they’re stopped, Richard says, “You’ll see,” leading them to a clearing on the shore revealed to be the location of the remains of the giant four-toed statue: Nothing but the right foot, stopping in the calf. Locke smugly says it’s a “wonderful foot” but wants to know what it has to do with Jacob, and Richard replies that that’s where he lives. Locke darts his eyes over to Richard and back to the statue, saying nothing as Richard leads them down to the shore.

Out in the jungle in 1977, Juliet, Sawyer, and Kate are still standing in the road, blocking the van carrying Hurley, Miles, Jack, and the wounded Sayid. Jack steps out, looking bloody and sweaty and just tired as hell, and he and Sawyer engage in a tense back and forth that ends with Jack agreeing to hear Sawyer out for five minutes. “You owe me that much, Jack,” Sawyer says, making his urgency felt by the fact that he uses Jack’s actual name and not a nickname.

Flashback: Jack’s in the operating room, working on a patient and surrounded by a team of other doctors, including his father. After making a particular cut, his face blanches as he says, “The dural sac. I cut it.” This is the moment he told Kate about when she was stitching him up in the pilot episode, the time he learned to count to five and control his fear, and sure enough, that’s what happens. But it turns out that Christian was the one who taught Jack the technique, and though it works, Jack doesn’t look happy about taking orders from his father, even when they’re needed in a crisis. A little later, Jack’s at the vending machine trying to buy an Apollo bar — one of the series’ fictional creations that have popped up from time to time — but it gets stuck. First he nearly paralyzes a girl, now no chocolate! Walking down the hall, Christian approaches and tells Jack the patient is responding to stimulus below the waist and doesn’t show any signs of paralysis or damage, but Jack doesn’t want to hear it. He tells Christian it was embarrassing to be “put in a timeout” during surgery, especially given how hard Jack has already worked to prove to his colleagues that he got his job on merit and not just because he’s the son of the chief of surgery. As Christian walks away, Jacob shows up at the vending machine around the corner, holding up two Apollo bars and asking if one is Jack’s. Jack walks over to take the candy, his hand brushing Jacob’s as he does so, and then they go their separate ways. End of intervention.

Back in 1977, Jack and Sawyer walk a ways into the woods before settling in to talk, because apparently they were subconsciously preparing for the beatdown that’s coming and they wanted some privacy. After convincing Jack to sit, Sawyer tells him how his folks died when he was only 8, and how a con man ripped off his parents, leading to Sawyer’s dad killing his mom before committing suicide. Sawyer even tells Jack that he was under the bed the whole time, watching it go down. But he gets to his point by saying that happened only a year ago, in 1976, and if Sawyer had wanted to he could have hopped on the sub to the mainland and prevented the sorry thing from ever happening. He didn’t do it, though, because “what’s done is done.” Jack says it doesn’t have to be that way, which annoys Sawyer, who takes a different tack and asks what it is Jack “screwed up so badly” that he’s willing to destroy everything just for a second chance. Jack counters that he’s doing it because three years earlier, Locke told him it was his destiny, and that things happen for a reason. “A man does what he does because he wants something for himself,” Sawyer replies, which gets to the heart of what so many of the exchanges in the season finale are about. The characters are finally forced to admit to themselves and each other why they’re doing whatever they’re doing, instead of just chalking it up to fate or destiny or not having anything better to do. So Jack comes clean: “I had her. I had her, and I lost her.” Sawyer, stunned that this whole thing can be boiled down to Kate once again messing up a man’s head, tells Jack she’s just on the other side of the trees and he can go ask her to give it another shot. Jack shakes it off and says it’s too late, then stands to leave. Sawyer tells him that if the plan works, Kate will go back to being under arrest, and she won’t know Jack from anyone. Jack, taking a page from Crazy Bernard’s Guide to Logic in Relationships and Metaphysics, says, “If it’s meant to be, it’s meant to be.” Good?

Out of options, Sawyer resorts to the tried and true method of physical combat, slugging Jack across the face, and the two men proceed to beat the crap out of each other in the woods while Sayid bleeds out in the van and a pocket of electromagnetic energy continues to threaten to burst nearby. Dudes, prioritize! Jack gets in a few good hits, but it’s pretty much locked for Sawyer when he kicks the doc in the nuts, smacks him in the face with a log, then straddles his body and begins to choke him. Sawyer keeps pounding on him until Juliet appears and shouts for him to stop, telling him that Jack’s right about what has to happen. Sawyer, understandably confused and angry, says Juliet was the one who told him to take Jack out and stop him in the first place. She replies, “I changed my mind.” Sawyer’s shocked look says this is clearly his first long-term relationship, but the moment’s also a good one in that it offers a classic “Lost” reversal.

Flashback: Two little girls, half in tears, are sitting on a couch opposite their parents in a nicely furnished living room. The little blonde girl is easily recognizable as Juliet, since she’s got the same hair, her top is the same color as the one Juliet’s wearing in 1977, and let’s face it usually these are pretty easy to guess. The mom tells the girls that she and their father are getting divorced, but it’s important to remember that they still love each other. “Just because two people love each other doesn’t always mean they’re supposed to be together,” she says, which is a good lesson to eventually learn but kind of radically simplified in this context and will probably wind up scarring the girls emotionally for life. (Which it does.) Juliet asks repeatedly how her mom can know she and her father aren’t meant to be together, but mom just says, “We just know. And when you’re a grown-up, you’ll understand.” Juliet runs out of the room, and it’s sad to see her dragged that much further into a premature adulthood, though it is kind of funny watching her run away and yell “I don’t wanna understand!”

In 1977, Juliet’s walking away from Sawyer in the same way, striding quickly through the woods back to the road as he follows her and asks what’s gotten into her. He manages to physically stop her and ask where “all this is coming from,” saying he has a right to know why she changed her mind. Juliet thinks and says, “I changed my mind when I saw you look at her.” The way Sawyer frustratedly scrambles for a way to reiterate his commitment to Juliet is revealing, and though he tells her he’s with her no matter who he looked at, she shakes it off. Starting to cry a little, she says Sawyer would stay with Juliet forever if she let him, and she’ll always love him for that, but then she repeats her mom’s old line about how even though they love each other, it was only for a little while. It’s touching watching Sawyer try to figure out how to stop this from crumbling apart in his hands, especially when he realizes he can’t. Sawyer again asks her why she’s doing this — the episode is all about the whys, and it has to be — and she can barely get through the line, “If I never meet you, then I never have to lose you.” She pushes past him, crying, but he just stands there, beginning to absorb the loss. It’s a killer to see them finally break up, but happiness is not something the castaways ever find for long.

Out at the Swan site, Chang shouts over to Radzinsky to tell him the drill’s gauss readings are off the charts — I Googled it, and it’s about magnetics, and maths, and yada yada yada — but that just fires up the nutball even more. In the middle of geeking out over the explosion he’s about to cause, Radzinsky gets a radio call from Phil that “that Hostile who shot the kid” came back and attacked them before escaping in a van with some of the other new recruits, and that he apparently had a bomb. Radzinsky, who looks like he’s beginning to regret ever hiring Phil, tells him to show some initiative and round up some dudes with guns and hurry over to the Swan to set up a defensive perimeter.

At the top of the ridge next to the site, Jack is watching all this go down when Kate shows up, and he tells her his talk with Sawyer “didn’t go so good.” Wiping the blood from his temple, she reminds him of the time she sewed him up on the beach after the initial crash, and it’s the emotionally vulnerable moment Jack was looking for. He asks Kate why she made Jack promise not to ask about Aaron, and she says she did it because she was angry with Jack for making her come back. (Even though it was Kate’s idea to go so she could help return Aaron to Claire, which she then tells Jack was her real reason for coming. This girl is nuts.) Jack says his plan will reunite mother and son, and when Kate says Claire was going to give up her son for adoption, Jack says they can’t know what would have happened, and it would have been ultimately up to Claire to decide Aaron’s fate. “Nothing in my life has ever felt so right” as his current plan, Jack says to Kate, “and I just need you to believe that.” Just then, there’s a crash down the hill as the drill approaches the end of its life, and Jack and Kate stand to watch, knowing that whatever’s going to happen is coming up soon. Jack asks Kate one final time for her support, and after a moment, she gives it.

Flashback: Hurley is in prison, getting released. The discharge officer lays out Hurley’s possessions: one wallet, $227 cash, one unused prophylactic, one soiled, one ballpoint pen, and one Fruit Roll-Up. I’m really glad Hurley couldn’t even go to prison without a snack on him. Who needs to develop the character when he can just be The Fat Guy Who Always Has A Treat On His Person, No Seriously, It’s Not Just A Gimmick Any More. Hurley tries to tell the officer that his release is a mistake, but because he’s a moron, he just babbles about men with tranquilizer guns trying to kidnap him. The officer dismisses him out of hand. Hurley heads outside and finds a cab, but Jacob’s already in the backseat, sitting next to a guitar case. (This guy is really, really good.) Jacob offers to split the cab with Hurley, so off they go, and it’s not four seconds before Hurley rips into his Fruit Roll-Up, even offering to share with Jacob. This guy was on the inside for like two days, tops. Hurley assumes Jacob was at the cabstand outside the prison because he was also in jail, but Jacob says he was there waiting for Hurley, and he addresses him as Hugo. Hurley, who apparently is way beyond caring what people think of him, says Jacob must be dead, but Jacob assures him that’s not the case. Jacob asks why Hurley won’t go back to the island — every character here is forced, either in flashback or the main story, to reveal their motivations — and Hurley says it’s because he’s “cursed.” He blames himself for everything from the crash of Oceanic 815 to the deaths of Libby and Charlie, but Jacob tells him to think of himself as blessed instead of cursed: He gets to talk to the people he’s lost. Hurley, closing the barn door long after the horse has turned to glue, asks, “Who are you, dude?” Jacob ignores him and has the cabbie pull over, then turns and tells Hurley that all he has to be is be on Ajira Flight 316 the next day out of LAX, touching him on the chest as he says, “It’s your choice, Hugo. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.” As Jacob steps out, Hurley calls after him that he forgot the guitar, but Jacob says it isn’t his. He shuts the door, and the cab drives away.

Out in the jungle in 1977, Sayid is sitting slumped against the side of the van as Hurley gives him water and makes a poor attempts to comfort him. It’s clear he still hasn’t figured out personal vs. global time, but whatever. Jack and Kate come bounding over the hill, and Jack’s moving pretty quick for a guy who’s survived two firefights and an all-out brawl in the past 12 hours. He retrieves the bomb from the van and secures it in the knapsack while Sayid reminds him it’s rigged to blow on impact, a line that guarantees (a) it will indeed detonate when it touches down, or (b) it won’t, thus upping the tension even more. It’s a win-win for the story. Jack tells Sayid his plan will save him, but Sayid responds, “Nothing can save me.” If Sayid could walk a little, he could totally be the Miles Bennett Dyson of this whole op and run a suicide mission into the Swan site, but it’s not meant to be. Jack straps on the knapsack, grabs his gun, and steps to Kate almost like he’s going to kiss her, but he just gives her a long and not uncrazy stare of confidence before darting off. She almost stops him to say something, but it’s too late. He scrambles up the ridge and crosses paths with Juliet and Sawyer, fresh off their DTR, and as Jack walks by, he just says, “See you in Los Angeles.”

In 2007, night has fallen on the beach, and Locke is staring at the giant stone foot with a fearful calm. Richard walks up and doesn’t attempt to hide he’s pissed, telling Locke that Jacob would’ve eventually come to him if he’d waited. “I’m tired of waiting,” Locke says. A little ways down the beach, Ben is once more staring out at the water, as if it holds answers. Sun sits next to him and makes small talk about the statue, but Ben says it was like that when he got to the island. “Do you expect me to believe that?” Sun asks, and man oh man, Ben gets even more pitiful and worn down when he shrugs and admits, “Not really.” Locke and Richard swing by to pick up Ben for their journey inside the statue, but Richard turns and stops when he sees that Ben has come along for the ride. Richard, as close to anger as he’s ever been, tells Locke that “only our leader can request an audience with Jacob, and there can only be one leader on the island at a time.” Locke calls shenanigans on the rules and says he’s taking Ben with him whether Richard likes it or not. Richard grits his teeth and leads them up the short hill to the base of the foot. He examines the wall and then pushes part of it inward, revealing a moveable slab. Taking his torch back from Locke, he heads back down to the beach. It’s the same thing he did 30 years earlier: Find a door for someone, then leave to let them walk through it alone. Locke pushes the slab in and enters a small antechamber, Ben right on his heels like a whipped dog. Ben looks a little awestruck as they edge toward a doorway lit by a fire in the main room. Locke checks to make sure Ben will be able to carry out his errand, saying, “I know it won’t be easy, but things will change once he’s gone.” He holds up a knife, and Ben doesn’t wait too long to pull it from its sheath as they begin moving once more toward the central room.

Back in 1977, Jin is frantically ripping up shirts and trying to keep Sayid’s gut bandaged up, while everyone else stands around and mopes. Miles pipes up: “Has it occurred to any of you that your buddy’s actually gonna cause the thing he says he’s trying to prevent?” He knows from their frozen expressions that they’ve never for a moment wondered whether the incident was always created by Jack’s attempting to stop said incident, and that the best way to stop it would have been to do nothing. “I’m glad you all thought this through,” he says. Just then they all spot a jeep full of DHARMA guys —Phil’s crew — down the hill on the road to the Swan site. Sawyer turns to Juliet to ask what she wants to do, and after a beat, she says, “Live together, die alone.”

Down at the Swan location, Phil and his truck of nameless extras pull up with a skid on the gravel. Radzinsky has Phil start setting up a perimeter while Chang berates Radzinsky for bringing more people to a danger zone that should be evacuated. Around the corner, Jack begins his approach, but he doesn’t get too far around the rim of the site before Phil spots him and the whole team starts firing. Unslinging the bomb from his back —probably a good idea — Jack cocks his pistol, darts in, and drops a guy from at least 50 feet. Phil orders his men to flank, but just then Sawyer and the rest of the gang come barreling by in the blue van, firing from the windows and doing some serious damage to the bad guys in what’s easily the most exciting firefight of the series. The group empties from the van and starts to converge on the drill, and while Jack takes cover behind some bags of cement, Sawyer knocks down Radzinsky and gets a drop on Phil as Chang picks up a gun and holds it on Radzinsky. Sawyer gets Phil to order a ceasefire, and then he gruffly summons for Jack to come out and “do your business.” Chang tries to kill the drill, but it won’t shut off: It’s being pulled down by the ruptured pocket of electromagnetic energy. Jack walks to the edge of the drill hole and holds the bomb over it, but looks to Kate before dropping it, and she nods. Sawyer tosses Phil aside and turns to just look at Juliet, and she can’t help but smile through the tears at the sign of his unending commitment. Everyone closes their eyes as Jack drops the bomb, waiting for the blast, but it never comes. There’s a moment of pure confusion as no one knows what to do, and Sawyer growls, “This don’t look like LAX.”

Just then a weird warble begins to emit from the hole in the ground as the drill scaffold shakes and metallic objects begin flying toward the opening. The frame buckles and crashes, pinning Chang’s left hand against a console, and Miles, in a sweet burst of filial affection, shouts “Dad!” and runs to help. Then the dominoes really start to fall. Jack gets knocked out by a flying toolbox, so Kate jumps to the rescue, and Miles frees Chang and tells him to get as far from the site as possible. Radzinsky tries to drive off, but the growing magnetic disruption flips the jeep and yanks it toward the hole. Phil tries to shoot Sawyer but is finally, awesomely impaled by rebar through the chest, and he dies instantly. But then it’s Juliet’s turn to get hit, and she gets tangled up in a length of chain that starts dragging her with it toward the pit. Kate grabs the chain and slows the fall, but Juliet’s already in the opening and clinging desperately to the scaffolding fallen across the hole by the time Sawyer gets there. He grabs her arms just as she starts to fall, but the chains keep pulling her down, and Kate can’t reach them to begin to set Juliet free. They’re trapped, hanging, horrible, and Sawyer begs Juliet to stay strong and hang on. Juliet sees the frame Sawyer’s lying on begin to buckle, and she knows what she has to do. Sawyer feels her grip loosen, and he pleads with her, “Don’t you leave me. Don’t you leave me.” She tells him it’s okay, and that she loves him, and lets herself fall. She screams as she goes, and Sawyer’s heart shatters. He can’t even move, he just hangs there, weeping. It’s devastating.

Back on the beach in 2007, Richard waits with Sun, both wishing they had something harder to drink than water. But things are about to get crazy even without liquor: Richard looks up and sees Ilana, Frank, Bram, and the others approaching, still carrying their silver crate. The Others slap leather right away, but Ilana tells them everything is okay, dropping her rifle. “Which one of you is Ricardus?” she asks. Richard steps forward to hear her out as she asks her shibboleth: “What lies in the shadow of the statue?” Richard gives her a hard look before answering in Latin, “Ille qui nos omnes servabit,” which translates as, “He who will protect us all.” Ilana and Bram look relieved to hear this, and she tells Richard she has something he needs to see. The Others again try to get trigger-happy, but Richard tells them to stand down. The men pop the crate’s lid, then turn the box and dump their cargo onto the sand. Ilana says it was in the cargo hold of Ajira 316. As Richard walks around, the camera switches to his POV and makes a sweet little arc over the box as its contents are finally revealed:

The dead body of John Locke.

Meanwhile, in the statue, Ben and the phony Locke make their way into the large central room Jacob was seen weaving in at the beginning of the episode’s first half. The reveal that Locke is still really dead came at the right time, too, allowing the viewer to hang in the tension as Ben serenely acts as if the man he’s talking to is the man he knows. Ben and Fake Locke look up to see a hole in the roof, through which the statue’s remaining leg casts its shadow into the room. Ben examines Jacob’s tapestry, now completed and hanging on the wall, and then Jacob himself speaks up. He’s sitting in a rocking chair in the far corner of the room, and Fake Locke turns to look at him cautiously. “Hello, Jacob,” he says, and Jacob looks heartbroken and defeated as he says, “You found your loophole.” Fake Locke, an embodiment of the enemy last seen appearing as the gray-haired man in the time of the Black Rock, says, “You have no idea what I’ve gone through to get here.” Ben, who’s just now beginning to piece together that something is up, asks if the men have met before, but the Enemy only says, “In a manner of speaking.” The Enemy tells Ben to do what he asked, but Jacob addresses Ben directly and says, “Whatever he’s told you, I want you to understand one thing: You have a choice. … You can do what he asks, or you can go and leave us to discuss our issues.” Ben, finally face to face with the mysterious force he’s served his whole life, isn’t going anywhere. He says he never questioned when Richard brought down Jacob’s orders or lists, but he doesn’t understand why he was told to be patient when seeking an audience with Jacob while (the being pretending to be) Locke was “marched straight up here as if he was Moses.” Ben moves closer and asks Jacob what was so wrong with him. “What about me?” Ben beseeches the man he used to call master, but Jacob just replies, “What about you?” It sounds like a cold dismissal, but it’s not delivered as such. It’s a firm but not uncaring request for Ben to really examine himself, but Ben doesn’t — can’t — hear it like that. He raises the knife and stabs Jacob in the heart, twice, and Jacob quickly falls to his knees, spitting blood. “They’re coming,” Jacob says through the pain, and the Enemy’s eyes go wide with what looks like fear. He kicks Jacob’s body onto the fire, and he and Ben watch the man burn.

Back in 1977, things at the Swan site are still pretty crazy. Jack regains consciousness to see Kate pulling Sawyer away from the drill hole, and he helps yank Sawyer to safety as the scaffolding and all manner of metallic debris rush into the gap and hurtle toward the bottom. They land with a crash near the body of Juliet, who horribly managed to survive the fall, though she’s still hurt and dying. She gets swallowed in panic before she breaks down and weeps, but she turns her head to see the bomb nearby, seemingly intact. Rolling onto her side, she gathers what little strength she has left, picks up a rock, and begins slowly beating it against the bomb. She cries and curses, but on the eighth (of course) blow, it goes off, engulfing everything in a flash of white light. And it’s onto this dazzling screen that the series title displays with its signature drum crack, and the fifth and penultimate season comes to a close.


It was a great, fun, exciting, tragic, revelatory episode, full of the typical promise of a “Lost” season finale. It was also skillful in the deliberate way it recalled every previous season closer: for some of just many examples, the bomb and vertically drilled tunnel mirrored the hatch detonation of Season One; Juliet’s advice to Sawyer — “Live together, die alone” — was the title of Season Two’s finale; Hurley piloted the van to the rescue like he did at the end of Season Three; and the shot revealing Locke’s dead body (and the fact that it was, well, Locke’s dead body) was just like the one that closed Season Four. It’s as if, like the characters that went sailing through time, the series doubled back on itself and began to echo past and future storylines.

It was also fantastic to get to meet Jacob, who began the episode seeming cold and aloof but through the course of just a handful of interactions became empathetic. There’s no telling how long he’s been at war with the Enemy, the dark opposing force on the island, but even in the time of the Black Rock, their battle seemed old. I’m not at all one to reduce the show to a simple biblical allegory, positing that Jacob is God or his representative while the Enemy is Satan or a similar employee thereof. The series has always been smarter than that, and though it takes a page from the Bible for some of its themes and struggles — Ben’s reference to Moses, the temple-like rules about who can see Jacob, the vague parallels between the first half’s opening sequence with the book of Job — the story of “Lost” is more than that; it’s its own thing, and it needs to be respected as such. Jacob and his Enemy are in a supernatural battle, but a unique one.

As for the nature of that Enemy, and the reveal that John Locke really is dead, here’s what I wrote in the recap for April’s “Dead Is Dead”:

Ben was right when he said dead is dead, and that you don’t come back, meaning Locke is really dead. The resurrections seen so far have been projections of real people, known to be deceased, whose bodies have disappeared; and they also know a lot about the island and are in tune with its desires and secrets. Alex knew Ben should follow Locke; Christian knew a lot, like how to save the island; Locke knew to go under the temple instead of through it. Locke’s line about being “the same man” he always was could be a hint that he’s anything but, and though he seems to be himself, he is in fact nothing but a living-dead projection manifested by the island.

The Enemy takes its shape as the smoke monster or as physical projections of dead people on the island. It seems to have access to their memories when it does this; Fake Locke knew everything that had happened to the real one, just as the projections of Christian and Alex reasonably appeared to be themselves. But the Enemy is just that, a thing of darkness that’s directly opposed to Jacob, though for reasons still unknown, it couldn’t kill him on its own but needed to persuade a third party to do the deed. Thinking about the level of machinations required in multiple timelines just to engineer the murder of someone from the island who would then be returned to the island, allowing the Enemy to in a sense become the dead person and thus have a pretty much unstoppable bit of emotional leverage against the killer — well, it’s head-spinning, in a great way.

It was also nice to see Ben admit to so much pretending when it came to his ties to Jacob. Ben, it’s important to remember, was saved by the Others in the Temple as a boy, which could very well mean he’s infected to a certain degree by the smoke monster and, thus, the Enemy. When Ben became leader, that early interaction with the Enemy would prevent him from ever being as close to Jacob as he’d want to be. Maybe that’s what Jacob meant when he said to Ben, “What about you?” Ben could never have had all that his heart desires, the phrase woven into Jacob’s sad tapestry.

In fact, the whole thrust of the episode seems to be that no one will have what their heart desires: Sawyer loses Juliet, and Jack gives up on getting Kate back. (I think the Jack-Kate-Sawyer triangle should resolve itself like the one in “Broadcast News.” It’d be cleaner.) Ben murders the one person he worshipped. Even Locke becomes a more pitiable figure than before. He never made it back alive at all, since his murder was long in the making by the Enemy just to find a tool to use against Jacob. Dead is dead, and Locke is gone.

My head’s still swimming with theories, and I have no hope of getting them all down now. Half of the fun of this show is chewing over it all summer, and I might even dip my toes into the murky waters of the comment thread to get my fix. (Be gentle; I’m a marshmallow.) But as for the biggest mystery — what the hell happens after the bomb goes off — I think it’s important to look at what we know. The electromagnetic pockets allow for time travel, like the one at the Orchid; the time shifts always came with a warbling and flash of white light; and the season ended with text on that white background, not the typical white on black. It seems possible, even likely, that Juliet’s detonating the bomb blew the Oceanic Six and Miles back to the future. Jacob did say “they” were coming, and it scared his Enemy, so he might have meant the arrival of Jack et al., who are somehow the only ones who can take down the Enemy now that Jacob is gone. Miles was probably also right when he reminded the gang — again — about personal versus global time, since maybe Jack always had thrown the bomb down the hole, and that always caused the incident that would lead to the crash, and that they would need the incident to blast themselves home.

But what happens to Sayid? (I’m pretty sure Juliet’s dead, since Elizabeth Mitchell is cast on ABC’s “V” for the fall.) When did Ilana and Bram join whatever group they’re in, and how long have they known Jacob? Did Jacob makes his visits, seen in the episode’s flashbacks, knowing those people would come to the island, or did he call them specifically to come? Did Jacob know what Locke would become? How many cycles of Others have there been? They had new recruits in the 2000s, the 1970s, the 1950s; how long has Richard been on that island working with people in that manner? Who came before? How and why did Jacob make Richard ageless? Like I said, I have too many questions, questions that I will no doubt enjoy discussing over the long eight months until the series’ final season. There are only 17 hours of the show left, and though I’m certain some things will be labeled red herrings or left unexplained entirely, I know that last season will be a big one, and full of good things. I’m signing off on these recaps until then, but I look forward to January 2010, when everything starts to come together for one last round.

I’ll see you on the beach.

Daniel Carlson is the managing editor of Pajiba and a TV critic for The Hollywood Reporter. He feels reasonably certain that he is, in fact, himself, and not a corporeal projection of a malevolent spirit. You can visit his blog, Slowly Going Bald.

Pajiba Love 05/19/09 | Music Video Roundup 5/19/09


YES! I've been waiting my whole life for part 2! Off to read!

Posted by: Rachel at May 19, 2009 2:23 PM

Again, written beautifully and precise. Still haven't seen it. One question though: Does the guy with no eyebrows ever reveal where the hell his eyebrows went?

Posted by: Skitz at May 19, 2009 2:30 PM

If Juliet isn't dead, what do you figure are the odds that we'll see her waking up naked in the jungle a la Desmond?

Posted by: BlueBombardier at May 19, 2009 2:49 PM

Lovely recap Daniel. I especially enjoyed your thoughts and description of Jacob and the Enemy (aka The Dark Man/Randall Flagg?). I see you are of the opinion that Smokey and BSG are possibly one and the same - not quite on board with that one yet, though I feel they might be related or that Jacob and/or BSG control Smokey at times.

Beautiful description of the scenes with Juliet and Sawyer, it was indeed heartbreaking.

Posted by: Cindy at May 19, 2009 3:01 PM

You totally nailed it my man!
Thanks again for another wonderful recap. With your insight, I have literally been able to grasp certain details of the show, that I would have otherwise not seen...

Until Next Season......

Posted by: MAGNUM at May 19, 2009 3:06 PM

8 months having to wait is going to be tough. And I've already seen Star Trek twice...

I might have to get caught up and watch Fringe to get my J.J. Abrams dosage.

Great review... as much as I love the show, you always tend to point out at least 5 things I didn't think of. My simple mind thanks you for that.

Posted by: Colin at May 19, 2009 3:09 PM

That was a great recap. Thanks! I really appreciate the time you put into this and I love reading everyone's thoughts in the comments.

I'm still trying to wrap my mind around the finale but I think I'm leaning toward the theory that BSG and Smokey are the same. But then what happened to BSG's body? Or was the body we saw in the opening scene a loaner too? Who knows! I can't wait for season 6!

Posted by: Rachel at May 19, 2009 3:10 PM

Dan, I love you forever for the Blues Brothers reference.

Posted by: Nadha at May 19, 2009 3:11 PM

Locke is NOT dead......

Posted by: kingsize at May 19, 2009 3:15 PM

Thanks for the recaps Daniel. Always thorough and incredibly entertainingly-written.

Posted by: Henry at May 19, 2009 3:19 PM


what do you think is going on with the dead Locke body and the not-Locke walking around?

Posted by: Rachel at May 19, 2009 3:22 PM

Wonderful recap Dan, they always are. Thank you for your description of BSG/smoke monster. You put into words what has been floating around in my head for the past few days.

Your description of the Sawyer/Juliet scene was wonderful, but I just wanted to reiterate how devastating that scene was. I knew she was going to die from the beginning of the show (seeing as she was signed onto another pilot), but when Sawyer is telling her not to leave was heartbreaking.

What an amazing show. Next season is going to be phenomenal.

Posted by: zach at May 19, 2009 3:37 PM

Interesting idea that I read: There's one person that Jacob doesn't touch during the flashback scenes: Ilana. And in said scene, he's wearing all black, as opposed to the normal white that he wears. Coincidence?

It seems to me that the battle between Jacob and Esau (which is how I like to think of him) is a battle of time, literally. Esau considers time to be happening in loops, repeating itself over and over again. Jacob, on the other hand, seems to think of time as linear, building to some final climax, and the human battles are just stops along the way. It's like the battle of Neo and Architect in The Matrix.

Posted by: munkymack at May 19, 2009 3:41 PM

It seemd like Jacob had met Ilana previously, didn't it? But yes, I noticed that he was in black and didn't touch her. Very interesting. I also want to know why she was all bandaged. There are a lot of beatdowns on this show.

Posted by: Rachel at May 19, 2009 3:45 PM

Dan, your interpretations of Lost are so insanely well constructed. I feel vastly inferior as a viewer. My reactions are generally "Smoke monster scary. Ben bad but compelling. Mmm, half naked Sawyer."

I'm just so sad that Locke met his fate so despairingly, and at the hands of Ben. I almost jumped out of my chair when his body tumbled out of the box.

I feel like the smoke monster, whether it's controlled by or is a manifestation of The Enemy, could be somehow generated from the motivations and emotions of those on the island. Kind of like the river of slime in Ghostbusters II. If "Your Love is Lifting Me Higher" is ever featured, I'm going to dance like a super happy toaster.

Posted by: Julie at May 19, 2009 3:49 PM

Fantastic recap, as they have been all year. I almost look forward to these as much as the episodes themselves, for Pete's sake! Thanks :)

Posted by: Tonegent at May 19, 2009 3:50 PM

So, at one point this season, Locke's body was in the crate as Fake Locke went into the jungle to tell Richard to tell pre-dead Locke that he had to die.

Brain ouchy.

Posted by: Groovekiller at May 19, 2009 3:54 PM

Warning: I'm extremely sleep deprived, and therefore operating on 50% of my normal IQ points today. Please be patient and forgiving.

Dan, thank you so much for these recaps. Like others have said, I always appreciate the details you catch that I've missed, the questions you bring up, and the theorizing you offer. For lack of a better comparison, these recaps have been the perfect dessert to a rich, weekly banquet of kickass storytelling.

When I saw Juliet fall, my weeping would have put toddlers with skinned knees to shame. Your description of the moment made me cry all over again, in my work cubicle, no less. So well done, sir.

That said, I'm still holding out hope that Juliet will pull a Desmond and stay on as a recurring character. I mean, they ALMOST killed Desmond and Jin in the same, vague way, only to bring them both back later. It doesn't really match the LOST pattern to kill her the same way and actually have her die, does it? And with Kate still running around, the Island needs Juliet to counteract her annoying dysfunction with the power of pure awesome.

I'm definitely loving the Jacob/BSG story line. While the Biblical parallels are the most obvious (and admittedly pretty damn fun), I agree that their struggle takes on a much broader scope, skillfully encompassing good-vs-evil mythologies from all over the world. In addition, each character's interaction with either figure adds layers of depth and meaning that make my head spin in the best way imaginable.

Though I'm definitely seeing Real-Locke in a whole new light now. "Pitiable" is the perfect word. And when Jacob said, "I'm so sorry this happened to you," I now wonder if he could've been to referring to not just the fall, but to future events as well.

All things considered, I honestly can not wait to see where they take the Jacob/BSG story from here.

Also: forgive me if I'm repeating myself, but is anyone else here kind of smitten with Jacob, or is it just me?

Posted by: Shinykate at May 19, 2009 3:57 PM

Another thing that in retrospect was an awesome writing job...

One scene: Bram & that gang are carrying that metal canister through the jungle and Frank says that he wishes he hadn't seen what was inside

Immediate Next scene: A casket containing the bodies of James' parents is carried at their funeral.

Both were caskets. That was awesome.

Posted by: Groovekiller at May 19, 2009 3:57 PM

Holy fuckadoodle-doo, that was long-winded. Sorry, folks!

Posted by: Shinykate at May 19, 2009 3:57 PM

It was a pretty good finale, although I think it was the weakest of the series. Too much of this season was either predetermined or not disguised. Even if "what happened, happened" surprises me and does not turn out to be true, that question is still left unanswered at the moment. We knew we were building to the "Incident" regardless, and if you had asked me to lay money on what characters were in serious mortal danger, Juliet and Sayid would have been my first two bets (the former because of the V signing and the latter because there just doesn't seem to be anything else for his character to fulfill at this point).

That said, that Sawyer-Juliet goodbye was impressive in its emotion, and I did enjoy our introduction (and farewell?) to Jacob. I was not expecting that Locke was actually dead (three consecutive season finales deal with the mystery of his corpse now), and for all the promise of his leadership and destiny since the pilot episode, it does seem like his story was prematurely ended.

And just for the record, Jack is still crazy. The bomb scheme was ridiculous. I'm amused that we now know that his rendition of the "count to five" story is just something he made up to make himself seem cool and collected. And presumably he uses that story to hit on women - love at first sight with Kate?

Posted by: DarthCorleone at May 19, 2009 3:58 PM

Theory time...
1. Smokey as Esau is very plausible. Remember when Esau-as-Locke takes Ben to the temple. Ben falls in the whole, Locke leaves, the smoke monster appears, appears again as Alex, Smokey leaves, then Locke shows up again. (i.e. have you ever seen Esau-as-Locke and Smokey in the same room together?)

2) OR maybe the blast of the nuke makes Juliet Smokey...all microscopic bits bound together by the electromagnetism from the swan site.

Posted by: Groovekiller at May 19, 2009 3:59 PM

Why did man in black have to go to this much trouble?

Why didn't he just kill Ben like he did to Eko > embody Ben's dead body > kidnap Waaaalt > tell Michael that he needed to kill Jacob to get Waaaaalt back.

As we saw, Michael was up for capping folks left & right for his BOY....

Posted by: Mook at May 19, 2009 4:03 PM

Also, maybe all of them do pop back into the future after the white flash but alas, Juliet pops back buried under the 40,000 tons of cement they poured into the drilling site and Sawyer is left beating the ground like he did when Locke jumped down the well.

Posted by: Mook at May 19, 2009 4:04 PM

I guess the other thing that bothered me about the "predetermined" nature of season 5 was that so many of the developments seem to be nothing more than a case of circumstances being "magicked" into how they need to be. I like the idea that the time-traveling is predetermined and is an unchangeable, closed loop. What appeals to me less is how little control the characters actually seemed to have over their own actions - not because those actions was predestined, as I enjoy the idea of the characters believing in and trying to execute free will despite the futility of it, but simply because the story or the supernatural elements needed it to be that way.

It's not that it's unscientific; I can accept that. It's just that it seems so arbitrary and lacking in a truly unifying logic.

This guy can't go back to the island. This guy can. You need this to get the island. Leaving the island is complicated except when you have a magic box.

Take these particular people off the plane and blast them 30 years into the past.

Blow up a nuclear bomb in the vicinity of an electromagnetic disturbance to create who-knows-what?

Presumably, take these other particular people who should be killed by "The Incident" and spirit them away somewhere/sometime else.

I love the show; that element of it just bothers me. If they give us a grand unifying theory that explains it all in the end, then I'll happily accept it.

Posted by: DarthCorleone at May 19, 2009 4:36 PM

I've made my way through all of the comments for both episodes and I
do love how often people's comments are prefaced or postfaced (?) with,
"this was all so clear in my head and now I can't write it out."

Did Esau approach the various crash victims in relevant forms in order
to find a likely candidate to help on his quest?

I kind of love that Locke was pathetic to the end. He kept hoping to be
special and predestined for greatness and instead he was the vehicle for theocide/deicide. I guess that's pretty special after all.

Alternatively, why did Jacob need this to happen at this point? He
didn't fight back at all. What was his goal?

Posted by: Henry at May 19, 2009 4:43 PM

My prediction for final scene of the series:

Jack & Locke sitting on the beach watching a boatload of Egyptians approach the island, Locke turning to Jack saying "Do you know how badly I want to kill you?"

Posted by: Mook at May 19, 2009 4:50 PM

As Jacob steps out, Hurley calls after him that he forgot the guitar, but Jacob says it isn’t his. He shuts the door, and the cab drives away.
I was intrigued by the syntax; he answered, "It's not my guitar." I'm wondering if he meant it wasn't his, or that it wasn't a guitar, or both. Have we ever seen it opened since Hurley landed in the pool, post Ajira?

Posted by: Patty O'Green at May 19, 2009 5:06 PM

Did anyone else notice that it was kind of odd how both times Locke was "supposed" to kill someone of importance (first his father, then Jacob), he manipulates someone else to do it? I know with Jacob he was Fake Locke, but still. It's an odd parallel to the earlier episode with Sawyer killing his father. And both times he provoked the killer (first Sawyer, then Ben) by saying pretty much the worst things possible to make them go over the edge and do the deed.

Posted by: ceej at May 19, 2009 5:10 PM

Patty: I don't think we have seen the guitar case open and I'm DYING to know what's in the case. I agree Jacob's phrasing was ambiguous, we don't know if its not HIS guitar, or if its not his GUITAR.

Posted by: Rachel at May 19, 2009 5:22 PM

Only 17 more hours of this series left? But there's so much to learn!

Great recap Dan. Can't wait for next season! I think I'll spend some time this summer watching the first four seasons and trying to make the puzzle pieces fit.

I didn't really care for the Sawyer-Juliet relationship at the beginning of the season. I thought, "Oh, now they're just running through all the possible couple combinations! What's next, throw Hurley into the mix?" But damn if I wasn't bawling when Juliet decided to help Jack so she'd never have to lose Sawyer. That really was a great scene, and her fall was heartbreaking as well.

Posted by: Melissa at May 19, 2009 5:37 PM

As you said, the amount of crap The Enemy (great name. Better than "Black Shirt") had to go through to kill Jacob just goes to show that his dying is indeed a TERRIBLE thing, and maybe the bomb is going to reset that somehow? I love the feeling that there's something huge going on here, far beyond the characters and their little lives. A struggle between good and evil, etc. I love it.

So here's my muddled theory:

Smoke Monster/The Enemy has always been a servant to Jacob/The Good/The Protector. So he's always been at the beck and call of the leader of the Others, like when Ben summoned it to attack the Castaways. He was confined to the Temple, or even the Cabin (the circle of ashes), but somehow he was let loose. How? I'm thinking Locke had something to do with it. And that's why Locke was so 'special': he was going to let The Enemy out.

I read a great theory somewhere that compares Jacob to the Egyptian god Osiris--killed by his brother Seth, his pieces were scattered through the world. Maybe the 'pieces' here are the Castaways, and that's why Jacob touched them all? Also, it's what Eloise meant by 'God help us all'. He needs all of them there to save him. And Jacob looked so damn sad all the time because he knew he'd have to die at one point.

I really hope that the explanation behind everything is as good and convoluted as we hope it is. You know what I mean? I hope the writers are putting as much thought into this as we are.

And I'll just end the overlong rant with seconding everyone's thanks for recap, Dan. They're thorough and funny and I'll definitely miss them!

Posted by: figgy at May 19, 2009 5:43 PM

I do so love these recaps, Daniel, and I appreciate the work you put into them.

I think you may be jumping a little too far to your conclusion that Jacob is "Good" and his nemesis is "Evil." Maybe I've just been watching this show too long to trust any such inferences when they're not explicitly spelled out; but I think that charaterizing these moral polar opposites, and picking which is which (good/evil), is premature.

I am heartbroken about Locke. In the earlier ep when Locke instructed Richard to tell past-Locke, "You're going to have to die" to get everyone back to the Island, I turned to my beloved co-viewer and said, "Locke DID commit suicide after all." But now it turns out that Richard didn't get those instructions from Locke at all. John Locke was murdered. That depresses me so much...

Posted by: Jerce at May 19, 2009 5:52 PM

Great recap as always Dan.
My first thought about the Jacob/Enemy conflict was that Jacob was a god. Rather than a Christian interpretation of capital "G" God vs. Satan, I am hedging on polytheism. I am guessing that the Enemy is also a god. The Egyptian god statue (Taweret?) seems to also suggest that there are multiple gods in the Lost-universe.
Just a guess. I hope that it turns out to be more complex and unexpected than this. Lost consistently surprises me. Great show and these recaps only make my love of Lost stronger! Thanks Dan!

Posted by: JohnnieF at May 19, 2009 6:20 PM

Am I the only one not sad that Locke is actually dead? I was always kind of creeped out my the man, even though he was so full of mission and purpose (and occasionally helping out the young folks on the island). Now it seems that a lot of what he did was for no end at all, or at least not the end he imagined.

And what a pitiable existence to be involved with the island. No one there ever gets what they want and ends up getting wrapped up in an uncontrollable destiny. Although I am excited to see what the big game is.

And who wants all the dead characters to come back at the end? LOST reunion! Oh, I'm going to miss this show and these recaps this summer. Thanks, Dan.

Posted by: kelsy at May 19, 2009 7:00 PM

i've been so busy with work i'm missing the finale discussions, but i just wanted to thank you again for the recaps Dan. i enjoy the hell out of them--and i love reading the comments and putting in my two cents when i have the chance.

figgy, i totally agree that it was BSG in the cabin, as Christian Sheppard, as Alex--and probably as Remy too, although i'm not sure whether he is smokey or if he can just control the monster. i also think that the struggle between Jacob and BSG mirrors the conflict between Ben and Widmore. including not being able to kill each other (which used to extend to family members if the whole changing the rules means what it seems).

most of the manipulation of Locke (including the belief that he was supposed to be the leader) was aimed at getting his dead body back to the island and getting Ben to kill Jacob because he was jealous of Locke's relationship with Jacob. i'm fairly sure that Jacob knew what was happening and the O6 are supposed to counteract that in some way. i do wonder about Juliet though since Jacob wasn't in her flashback.

i wish i didn't have to work so i could talk about Lost all day.

Posted by: pq at May 19, 2009 7:10 PM

Very true, Jerce. Lost has always been about blurring the lines between "good" and "evil". But I do think that Jacob and Black Shirt represent two sides of the same energy, like a Ying-Yang type thing with two opposing forces (Jacob wearing white, him wearing black at the beginning), but not necessarily just good or bad. Or something.

I felt so sad for Locke, too. Just...he wasn't that big a deal after all. He did a loser.

pq I'd almost completely forgotten about Widmore. What's HIS deal? Another layer I hadn't even thought about. Was he just another pawn? Or an offshoot from Black Shirt?

Posted by: figgy at May 19, 2009 7:42 PM

Did Esau approach the various crash victims in relevant forms in order
to find a likely candidate to help on his quest?

I think, as someone else pointed out, that it's interesting how Illana was approached differently than everyone else. Jacob asked Illana to help him, and it seemed that Illana knew who Jacob was. I don't think the visits were in regard to a candidate, but I do think Jacob was calling the rest of the Losties to the island for a mission ("they're coming") that remains to be seen. In terms of the discussion that Jacob and BSG had at the beginning of the show, where BSG commented on how it's always the same when people come - I think Jacob could have gathered the Lost group for a specific mission. Maybe that mission is even to save Jacob, and in the process proving something about humanity?

I also don't think Jacob is gone - it was way too easy. I would even go so far as to posit that the scene in the foot was something Jacob was anticipating, and perhaps it was just an image or representative of Jacob that Ben killed.

Posted by: Cindy at May 19, 2009 8:10 PM

Just a few thoughts:

-Juliet is not dead, and I'm not 100% certain the bomb did go off. It was a time flash, and since we didn't actually see her die, she's not dead (yet). It's been that way since season 1 - unless you see someone draw their last breath, they're still alive.

-I recommend looking up The Omega Point. It's the theory that the title of Flannery O'Connor's book "Everything That Rises Must Converge" is based on. It basically says that as humans continue to evolve intellectually and emotionally, we will eventually reach a point of universal concsiousness and we will become one with the higher power. It's cool and reminds me a bit of Jacob's line about "everything else is just progress."

-I think Jacob pulled a Jesus/Aslan move. He'll be back.

Posted by: Kolby at May 19, 2009 8:35 PM

Juliet fell down an extremely deep hole with a force pulling her faster than gravity and all sorts of heavy metallic objects hitting her and potentially crushing her. She shouldn't have even been conscious. And - frankly - keeping her alive sort of cheapens the power of the farewell scene with Sawyer in my opinion, just as I thought keeping Jin alive cheapened the season four finale.

But, they made her conscious. So be it. Why? So she could bang on that undetonated bomb uselessly? It's a cheap trick to show us that and have the bomb not go off. If it didn't, the Island then coincidentally decides to make a time flash at the precise moment she hit it that last time? For whose benefit - the people watching the show? Is the Island that "meta" such that it's aware it's the central figure in a television show and recognizes the potential drama of a season cliffhanger?

I'm pretty sure the bomb went off. There was too much of a build with Jack's lunacy, and the writers were so off the rails with everyone's motivation on that mission, that I think they expected the audience to be rooting for this bomb that would somehow "fix" everything. Whether the full force of the explosion occurred (perhaps shielded via the electromagnetic force working to contain it) and whether the Island transported everyone safely away (and possibly Juliet) at that moment because it wasn't safe to be next to an exploding bomb seems much more probable to me.

Posted by: DarthCorleone at May 19, 2009 9:09 PM

There's still lots of loose threads to tie up in 17 hours (like I for one would just like to know why Walt can kill small animals) but this episode definitely set up the next season as a sort of endgame for the island, what with Jacob dying (maybe)

Some things that have stood out are: if the smoke monster is anything to do with the Enemy, why would Richard go near it with kiddie Ben? You would think Ricardus knew what he was doing

Jacob said 'they' are coming - I love the ambiguity, is it the new guys, who have possibly served their purpose in warning Richard?

Or will it be our remaining six survivors? Obviously the main cast isn't going to actually die until the end of season 6 - I wonder if Richard saw the detonation and assumed Jack had blown himself up, or if they returned and he saw them die another way?

Also when does the statue get destroyed? I reasoned that as a god of fertility it's destruction could have been what prevents childbirth, but as it would appear it was destroyed before 1974 this would seem to be implausible, still intrigues me though - and also Ben wasn't lying, shocking

"Backgammon is the oldest game in the world... two players, one side is light, one side is dark"

Posted by: Tarquin at May 19, 2009 9:13 PM

By the way, I've been more or less consistently incorrect about almost every Lost theory I've floated over the last year, so you can ignore my rants.

Posted by: DarthCorleone at May 19, 2009 9:27 PM

Cindy, I agree. It really seemed like Jacob knew what was coming. Even if he told Ben that he had a choice, Jacob probably knew what Ben would choose.

Posted by: figgy at May 19, 2009 9:34 PM

Darth, I don't have a problem with the idea that the bomb went off - I think the bomb detonating combined with the electromagnetic whackery is what creates the time flash. So for me, the question is: Does Juliet get blowed up or flashed?

Also when does the statue get destroyed?

My thought is again that the combination of the bomb and the electromagnetic anomaly vibrate the island enough to cause the statue to break off or crumble.

Posted by: Cindy at May 19, 2009 9:35 PM

That whole scene of Ben killing Jacob played oddly to me. BSG/Locke kicked the body into the fire like it was a body made of fluff. Even when Ben was stabbing, it came off weirdly fake. I think there is more to that ending than meets the eye.

Posted by: Cindy at May 19, 2009 9:41 PM

Hadn't the statue already been destroyed when young Ben arrived on the island?

Posted by: Henry at May 19, 2009 9:49 PM

Cindy>> If Juliet gets flashed, it seems to me more or less every bone in her body should be broken wherever and whenever she lands. Of course, the Island could always decide to heal her (again with the arbitrary supernatural aspect). I might guess that if Juliet does return, they'll milk the drama of Sawyer's loss at least a little bit by delaying her return and making it more powerful.

That's a good theory on the statue. The thing is just so enormous that I find it funny that these folks have been living in Dharma village with that statue standing for three years and we haven't heard a mention of it (again with the patented Lost "don't have common-sense conversations with your friends that might help you deduce facts about the magical Island of mystery). I realize there are big mountains in the middle of the island that block the view, but still...

Posted by: DarthCorleone at May 19, 2009 9:53 PM

I don't think it's spoiler since ABC is shouting about Elizabeth Mitchell all over the place - and they say she'll be around next season. But in what form, that's the question. So maybe Juliet will flash all broken up as you'd speculate, and then we'll see Jack and Sawyer trying to fix her up, but of course she'll die in the end. She'd have to be pretty messed up from that fall.

Well, I would have thought at least Sawyer and Miles would have been curious about the statue, but maybe they somehow did never see it. Somebody has to have maps of the island out there in Google-land - I'm going to have a look.

Posted by: Cindy at May 19, 2009 10:27 PM

"Backgammon is the oldest game in the world... two players, one side is light, one side is dark"
Posted by: Tarquin at May 19, 2009 9:13 PM

Whoa! I was JUST getting ready to post something about Locke's backgammon games with Walt. Nice!

Posted by: Lainey at May 19, 2009 10:47 PM

What is the Enemy's raison d'etre now that Jacob is (supposedly) killed off?

One thing I can't stop thinking about: An Island "exit" in the Tunisian desert which is not very far from Egypt.

I think Season 6 will be about origins of the Others & how they seem to have more in common with the Enemy than with Jacob. (thought I saw its tagline of "Destiny Found" in a teaser right after the white screen).
Maybe the Oceanic 815 are Jacob's peeps? Jacob seems to be a believer in the perfectability of Man (& what else has this show been about if not the personal growth of man of the characters, except for Locke,perhaps) while The Enemy has a much more cynical, pessimistic & misanthropic view... wishing to have kept them away from the Island.
Civilization vs. "Barbarism": I think the appearance of Rose & Bernard living as they are (& in hiding) is significant in the sense that are of similar mind with the Enemy, not wanting to stay involved with Jack, Kate, Swyer's et al.'s bullshit & constant melodramatic conflict.

Anyway, can't wait to see S6 in January.

& of course, many thanks to Daniel Carlson for these weekly eppy recaps.

Posted by: oskar667 at May 19, 2009 10:48 PM

It does seem like one should have been able to see such a huge statue from the village.

If anyone is interested, a nice map can be found here. You can click in to get a closer look.

Posted by: Cindy at May 19, 2009 10:56 PM

As a concession to my working husband I waited until Thursday night to watch the LOST finale. As a consolation prize on Wednesday I instead watched the season finales for 2-4. Viewing them back to back like that really blew my mind and then to see the recurring themes in this finale only confirmed to me that the PTB at LOST really know what's going on.

Time flash? Bomb detonated? Don't care. Pretty much anything they do right now automatically has my seal of approval.

So... if you're looking for a fun hiatus LOST homework project, cue up those DVDs because I cannot recommend enough a finale marathon. It may also induce crazy dreams. I can't promise anything.

Posted by: Clarence Boddicker at May 19, 2009 11:50 PM

i echo everyone's sentiments-thanks for the amazing recaps. they complete me.

why does everyone assume that jacob's the good guy? i got a spooky vibe from him.

that was an emmy worthy scene with sawyer and juliette. wish kate had gotten sucked down a hole.

ben breaks my heart the most. he seems so small now.

the weakest part of it all was jack's "i had her. i had her & i lost her." line. come the f on already.

is it january yet? sigh.

Posted by: gem at May 19, 2009 11:56 PM

Though I too am suffering from the extreme Lost-withdrawls, especially with Wednesday night rolling around, I thought I'd throw out a line from the finale I hadn't seen mentioned-

When Jacob interacts with Jack, the line he says to him is "The machine was stuck, just needed a little push." We've seen this possibly twice now in the serious, and both times it's had a serious effect. The first was the frozen wheel underground, which was stuck while the '77 Dharma Losties were skipping through time, then became unstuck. The second time would be when the drill had hit the pocket of electromagnitism but was unable to be shut down. The bomb, orchestrated by Jack, was the push necessary to unstick the machine of the Island.

Posted by: tripM at May 20, 2009 12:11 AM

My plan until January:

Somehow get every episode of Lost, and time my watching of them so that I'll be watching the finale RIGHT before next season's premiere.

OK that probably won't work because I'll want to watch them all at once know, I can plan. One of the perks of not having a job is just being able to do shit like this. Mmhmm.

Cindy: a MAP! I wonder how accurate it is?

Posted by: figgy at May 20, 2009 12:16 AM

So as I was sitting here, dissecting the events of the characters: where they have been, where they are headed, I had a realization about the encounter between Jacob and Jack. They meet next to the candy machine where Jack had just attempted to buy a candy bar. The machine jammed. Jacob bought a candy bar and Jack's candy bar came with it.
Jacob asks if the bar is Jacks.
He replies that it is, that the machine jammed.
Jacob says that he guesses the machine just needed a push. He hands the bar to Jack as their fingers come into contact.

I think this is Jack's reason for putting the bomb in the Swan station.

If you think of the island as a machine that is simply jammed. The electromagnetic energy is stuck. The payload is the extra push needed to unkink the island from its current dislocation. The candy bar is Jack's vision of success. . . correcting what he considers "mistakes". But remember, Jacob has a bar of his own.

Or the candy bars could be the two separate timelines.

I may also just be crazy.

And yes, marijuana was involved.

Posted by: adam at May 20, 2009 12:22 AM


In the episode 'LaFleur', the group very briefly flash to a time before the well was built, and the statue was visible in the distance - they then went to 1974 when it was no longer there - so it was in all likelihood destroyed before 1974 (and Lostpedia agrees)

Posted by: Tarquin at May 20, 2009 12:28 AM

Great ideas everyone. Could someone try guessing why Jacob touched Locke though? Why is he one of the "chosen" people, if Jacob knew he was going to later kill him? Maybe he had different plans for Locke that didn't pan out?? Thoughts???

Posted by: jen at May 20, 2009 7:44 AM

I wonder too, figgy. I saw another map with key locations in the same areas, but it was too small to clearly read.

Well that is very interesting Tarquin. There goes my theory.

Posted by: Cindy at May 20, 2009 8:00 AM

I'm going to have to watch LeFleur again to see if the they are looking in the exact same area - and whether we can tell that the statue disappears (is destroyed) at that later point.

Posted by: Cindy at May 20, 2009 8:27 AM

Plenty of time passes between the arrival of the Black Rock to the island and the days of the Dharma Initiative. Who knows when the statue is destroyed. Isn't there a volcano somewhere on the island? I thought I read once that there is (supposedly). Perhaps it erupted and caused the statue to fall.

I agree with whoever said that season six must be about the origins of the Others. For me, they remain the biggest unanswered question. How many of them were born on the island? When does Richard arrive (on the Black Rock like so many theorize?)? What makes them different? Are they the island's protectors or do they work for Jacob?

Posted by: Kolby at May 20, 2009 10:00 AM

Why has Locke's body not (a) decomposed or (b) been subject to rigor mortis?

Posted by: kingsize at May 20, 2009 10:06 AM

(again with the patented Lost "don't have common-sense conversations with your friends that might help you deduce facts about the magical Island of mystery)

Hee! But Darth, that wasn't patented by Lost. There'd be no movies or teevee shows at all without the dramatic conflict caused by lack of communication.

Posted by: Anna von Beaverplatz at May 20, 2009 10:37 AM

@ kingsize: Rigor mortis goes away. It's a temporary condition.

Posted by: Anna von Beaverplatz at May 20, 2009 10:46 AM

(again with the patented Lost "don't have common-sense conversations with your friends that might help you deduce facts about the magical Island of mystery)

This practice is second only to the Threes Company perfected "misinterpret a snippet of overheard conversation" in the annals of go-to TV moves.

Posted by: ed newman at May 20, 2009 12:10 PM

I wonder if Jacob brought Locke back to life once before, maybe he will do it again. That's my hope for seeing the real Locke again.

I don't think Season 6 will be about the Others as much as resolution for our main characters. Cuse and Lindelof have consistently said "it's about the characters". While there are some issues about the Others I'm curious about, most of them are secondary characters. There is just too much left unknown about our main characters that needs to be resolved, and too little time to go into great detail about history and mythology. I think we might get some general information about the Others' relationship to Jacob and BSG, if we're lucky we'll get some information about Richard and maybe get some major island questions answered. Mostly though, I think we'll get answers to the main characters' destinies and how they all fit into the island and Jacob's (his)story. I think we'll see how everyones' destinies are (or are not) fulfilled.

Posted by: Cindy at May 20, 2009 12:20 PM

Anna>> True enough. But Lost just does it so darn well! :- )

Posted by: DarthCorleone at May 20, 2009 1:41 PM

Cindy: I was thinking Jacob brought Locke back to life when he was thrown out of the window, and maybe his touch will be what causes the other Losties to survive the bomb detonation. Sort of like marking them until they can fulfill their destinies? Locke fulfilled his and now he's dead. Jacob knows the rest are "coming" because he ensured that they'd live through the explosion and be flashed to 2007. Of course, with this theory, Juliet's a goner since her flashback didn't include a Jacob Touch. Oh, and Miles too. Still trying to make sense of the touches!

Posted by: Rachel at May 20, 2009 2:00 PM

Interesting thoughts, Rachel. There are so many good ideas as to what the touches meant, I could believe any of them.

I think I'm going to pretend the show didn't end last week and re-watch the finale tonight. I need to see if I can catch anything I missed.

Posted by: Cindy at May 20, 2009 2:08 PM

So amongst my many, many questions: If Jacob was keeping Richard-Ricardus young and Smoky+Ben have killed Jacob, does that mean the man in black (eyeliner) is going to start aging? That would be kind of crazy. On the plus side, he'd get to celebrate birthdays again.

Posted by: Leah at May 20, 2009 6:39 PM

I've begun re-watching Lost all the way through, and it struck me that in the beginning after the upbeat song at the end of ep 3, Locke had a very sinister score when the camera focused on him - he also looked pretty evil, at that point he had one eye out as well - perhaps alluding to the whole light/dark issue and maybe that there would be two sides to Locke

I'm still not sure why Jacob touched Locke, why select the man who will be manipulated by your enemy? I'm sure we'll find out, but I reason that it's important Locke's body is actually now at the statue, even if he is dead

Also difficult to know when Richard appeared - I believe that this whole period on the island started with the Black Rock, and presumably prior to that it had been vacant from humans for a while so maybe Richard is only 150 or so years old - I was hoping he'd be an ancient Egyptian or something, Ricardus could indicate he's that old - but as the Others all speak fluent Latin it's impossible to know

Posted by: Tarquin at May 20, 2009 7:08 PM

Something I find interesting is that Locke was NEVER special. Who told Richard Locke was special? Fake Locke. Richard still didn't believe it. He tested him 3 times and he failed 3 times. Not until Jack was insistent that Richard believe in Locke did he commit to the idea.

Posted by: achtungpv at May 20, 2009 9:57 PM

And that thought makes me sad Achtungpv. HOWEVER, I still maintain that Locke is special in some way. Before Fake Locke reared his ugly head Locke always had a special connection to the island, more so than any other character. I still believe that Locke was and is a core factor in relation to the island.

As for the Fake Locke twist, it was certainly a surprise but also not completely unexpected as since he had arrived back on the island I kept saying, "Locke is acting funny."

If Juliet and Locke really are dead I'm going to be soooo sad, two of my favorite characters gone.

Speaking of favorite characters, word on the street is that next season we'll finally find out more about Libby's backstory...don't know if that's true or not since I don't really know what the relevance would be anymore. I do hope that all the past characters who died on the island come back to fight in the final battle.

Posted by: citizen_cris at May 21, 2009 10:15 PM

I assumed that the guitar Jacob left behind with Hurley was Charlie's guitar, for use in making the Ajira flight as close to the Oceanic flight as possible, as Eloise instructed Jack. In the airport, Hurley has the guitar with him. Maybe that's an irrational assumption?

Also, I think that Ben is more in control than we're being told. I don't think he's done quite yet, especially because Locke isn't who we think he is.

Why did Ilana call Richard Ricardus?

Posted by: Queserasera84 at May 26, 2009 5:59 PM

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