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'Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: Part 2' Makes Going Bad Look Good

By Tori Preston | TV | March 18, 2019 |

By Tori Preston | TV | March 18, 2019 |

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Hey, guess what: Chilling Adventures of Sabrina returns to Netflix on April 5th! And to get us all hot and bothered, they’ve just released a new trailer for the upcoming “Part 2” which reveals that Sabrina is doing just fine since signing her soul away to the Dark Lord, thank you very much. Take a look:

Sabrina seems to be sowing her evil wild oats by making out with Harvey AND Nick Scratch. There are literal blood baths, and ripped-out hearts, and giant snarling wolves. Susie’s got a shotgun, and Prudence is rocking two swords like a warrior queen! It’s all bloody good fun, but the most exciting reveal is the extent of Sabrina’s powers. According to Father Blackwood, she’s levitating, slaughtering demons, and resurrecting witches. How can a half-witch do all that?

By embracing her true self, and using it. To f*ck some sh*t up, apparently.

“It’s like I’ve been walking down this darker path. But maybe it’s not so bad.”

Oh Sabrina, I am very much looking forward to your next set of chilling adventures.

Header Image Source: Netflix (via YouTube)