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Kevin Spacey Is the Beyoncé of Shakespeare

By Vivian Kane | Trailers | May 5, 2014 | Comments ()

Kevin Spacey has said on a number of occasions what the Shakespeare nerds among us already knew: that his inspiration for the character of Frank Underwood, as well as the larger style of House of Cards, came largely from Richard III. If you’re not familiar with the play, you’d do well to take Spacey’s word for it, because that is a character he knows well.

Spacey played the direct-addressing, murder-happy king in a 10-month, round-the-world tour, directed by his old buddy Sam Mendes, and made a documentary about the production.The film, Now: in the Wings on a World Stage, is available RIGHT NOW online, and has also begun a slow release in the US, with the UK to follow shortly. The trailer alone is worth watching, if only to hear Kevin Spacey compared to Beyoncé.

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