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The 10 Least Famous Spouses of Really Famous Celebrities

By Dustin Rowles | Lists | December 28, 2010 |

By Dustin Rowles | Lists | December 28, 2010 |

Yesterday, Natalie Portman (or her publicist) announced that she was pregnant and engaged to a man whose name already escapes me. I believe it was someone she met while filming Black Swan. It’s my favorite kind of celebrity marriage — the one where no one has ever heard of the other person. It’s great because I’ll probably only ever hear that guy’s name three more times: 1) When they get married; 2) when they have their baby; and 3) when they divorce. I don’t even have to store that name away for pub trivia purposes (or QRANK). There’s no reason to know it.

Here’s 10 other spouse’s names that you can read and quickly forget. Note, too, that in almost all the instances here, the marriages have been lengthy (especially for Hollywood standards). Take note, famous people marrying other famous people. (My favorite is Andrew Upton — that’s the smile of a man who looks like he hit the spouse lottery).

Don Gummer (Meryl Streep)


Deborra-Lee Furness (Hugh Jackman’s Wife)


Jackie Sandler (Adam Sandler)


Max Handelman (Elizabeth Banks)


Andrew Upton (Cate Blanchett)


Grace Hightower (Robert DeNiro)


Pauletta Washington (Denzel Washington)


Danielle Spencer (Russell Crowe)


Luciana Barroso (Matt Damon)

Matt and Luciana.jpg

Sibi Blazic (Christian Bale)
