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SNL's 'Weekend Update' Special Was Something Something

By Dustin Rowles | Saturday Night Live | August 11, 2017 |

By Dustin Rowles | Saturday Night Live | August 11, 2017 |

Saturday Night Live’s “Weekend Update” specials began their run last night in the hopes of taking advantage of the heightened interest in politics our country has had during the Trump era, and the episode was fine. At 20 minutes (without the commercials), it was about double a normal segment of “Weekend Update,” which mostly just meant more segments with guests. Leslie Jones and Kenan Thompson offered fairly unmemorable segments, and then Bill Hader came out as Anthony Scaramucci, offering the highlight of the show.

I admit that I also found Eric and Don Jr. fairly amusing, especially when Eric began playing with a fidget spinner.

As for the jokes? Eh. Pretty typical fare. Mildly amusing week-old jokes delivered with their typical smugness. It was fine, but you can find better commentary and better jokes literally almost anywhere in late night. Hell, Rachel Maddow is far more insightful and typically twice as funny.

As a summer primetime diversion, I suppose it was better than, say, America’s Got Talent, but it was hardly noteworthy, except for the meta-joke Colin Jost made about diluting the brand of SNL, which is precisely what this special is doing.

But you know what would make it better?

Different hosts.
