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For the Second Week in a Row, Melissa McCathy Kills It as Sean Spicer on 'SNL'

By Dustin Rowles | Saturday Night Live | February 11, 2017 |

By Dustin Rowles | Saturday Night Live | February 11, 2017 |

Even with Alec Baldwin hosting, Melissa McCarthy returns in the SNL cold open to play Sean Spicer in a White House press briefing, a week after her depiction not only embarrassed the real-life Spicer, but pissed off Donald Trump himself. I’m not sure how wise it is to bring McCarthy out for a second week in a row — I’d be afraid that the depiction would wear out its welcome — but when SNL knows it’s got something that gets under Trump’s thin skin, it’s going to return to the well.

Worry not, however: The second time holds up incredibly well. The novelty may have worn off, but the comedy gold is still there.

Bonus points because Spicer does a QVC spot for Ivanka’s clothing line. Jeff Sessions also makes an appearance, and he’s played by the same woman who played Betsy DeVos last week: Kate McKinnon. Again, Trump hates that women are depicting male staff and cabinet members, making this all the more delightful.