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Colin Jost's AMA Proves He Isn't Adept At Funny, But Did Write A Movie

By Jodi Smith | Saturday Night Live | July 28, 2015 |

By Jodi Smith | Saturday Night Live | July 28, 2015 |

Colin Jost, current Weekend Update desk decor, did a Victoria-less AMA on reddit. Jost is pushing Staten Island Summer, which he wrote. The movie stars Cecily Strong, Fred Armisen, Kate McKinnon, Bobby Moynihan, Mike O’Brien, Will Forte, Graham Phillips, Zack Pearlman, Jim Gaffigan, Ashley Greene, Gina Gershon, Vincent Pastore, Method Man and Penny Marshall. Here’s the trailer:

If you laughed at any part of that, you may find Jost’s uninspired AMA answers entertaining as well. Bless your heart.

You are the most beautiful replacement to Seth Myers. I was so disappointed when he left but the opposite of that when you showed up. Did he prep you for the job at all? What did that entail?

Fun fact: It’s Seth Meyers. Seth Myers is a nickname for Seth Greene when he plays Mike Myers’s son in Austin Powers.

Colin- Would you rather make out with Michael Che and have no one know about it or bang Cecily Strong in front of your Mom?

Mom! Stop asking me this!

How early on did you know you wanted to be in comedy? Also, what does Michael Che have against my mama?

I never thought about “being” in comedy when I grew up because I didn’t know it was a real job. But looking back, it’s the only thing I ever really cared about.
And your mama did something really messed up in the 70’s but it’s too graphic to explain on Reddit.

Thanks for doing this! Who are your favorite and least favorite hosts who have appeared on SNL while you’ve been on the show?

Thanks for your question! One of my favorites of all time was my childhood hero Jim Carrey. One of my least favorites from a legal standpoint was Robert Blake.

What’s your favorite street in NYC and why?

I love Avenue B for some reason. It’s not all cocky like Avenue A.

Hey, Colin. Huge fan. My question is: Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?

You mean when I climbed up from heaven? It was actually a relief because heaven was full of flames.

Snoop Dog then asks: When we doing a skit?

Literally any time. (between 11:30 p.m. and 1 a.m. on Saturdays.)

I hope Snoop reconsiders.