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You're Not Watching 'I'm Sorry' Yet? Why?

By Emily Cutler | TV Reviews | July 19, 2017 |

By Emily Cutler | TV Reviews | July 19, 2017 |

And when I say “Why?” what I mean is “What in God’s holy name is wrong with you?” Why would you not be watching I’m Sorry?

Part of this is that I take it personally given that Andrea Savage and I are basically BFF at this point (yeah, bitches, I made those words). (Editor’s Note: Andrea Savage’s representation team would like to make it clear that she and the writer are, in no uncertain terms, most definitely not friends.) But part of it is that it’s summer, and summer is when TV tends to dry up a little. What’ve we got going on? Preacher? Game of Thrones? Both amazing shows, but a little heavy, yes? And if you, like me, have plowed through the third season of Playing House already, you’ll need something to lighten your television landscape.

Enter I’m Sorry. It’s raunchy, vulgar, and abrasively honest about the pitfalls of parenting, friendship, and marriage. Like when you set your best friend up with your daughter’s preschool teacher.

Or when you find out that one of the mothers of your daughter’s preschool classmates used to work in porn.

Or when your preschool daughter seems to be her own little Richard Spencer in the making.

Of course, the show doesn’t only revolve around awkwardness that Andrea experiences with her daughter. Sometimes it’s about awkwardness she experiences with her mother.

Or strangers who might be roughly her mother’s age.

And the occasional, only slightly awkward, mostly successful double date with that preschool teacher from the ass cubes clip.

Most importantly, and my personal favorite, sometimes it’s about Andrea proposing awkwardly absurd hypotheticals, and her husband gamely playing along.

The only slight catch is that truTV is advertising six available episodes when they’re are actually only three. Each episode has both the explicit and censored version. And if you’re the kind of person who would prefer the censored version, I’m not sure how you made it this far through one of my posts.

But regardless of whether you prefer the censored or actually funny version of the show, you should be watching it. After all, how else will you know how to explain teabagging to your mother?