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Forget 'Back to the Future'--'Parks and Recreation' Predicted the Cubs 2016 World Series Win

By Courtney Enlow | Pop Culture Facts | November 3, 2016 |

By Courtney Enlow | Pop Culture Facts | November 3, 2016 |

Yeah, we know. Back to the Future 2 was only off by a year. But they did far better in their prediction of a rapist hotel monster taking over the world—the Cubs winning the World Series prediction winner was definitely Parks and Rec.

In the episode “Ron and Jammy,” Tom and Andy go to Chicago to see Tom’s ex-girlfriend/future wife Lucy. As she shows them around the city (like ALL around, on a walk that seems to take them past Harold Washington College to the Mag Mile to Wrigley to the lakefront—it seems like a VERY long walk and there’s no way Tom’s shoes would allow him to deal with that) she tells them everyone is in a great mood because the Cubs won the World Series. The episode takes place in 2017.

If you don’t remember, co-creator Mike Schur will gladly remind you.

And Schur, a popular sports blogger when he’s not giving us amazing television (because I totally always knew Ken Tremendous and Mike Schur were the same person and I’m not literally shaken to my core at this very second, obviously super seriously [please someone else tell me this is huge shocking news to them so I’m not alone in the world]), put a lot of thought into this.

“It’s not like I was only person who thought the Cubs were going to be good,” he said. “Every baseball writer in America knew the Cubs were going to be good. I can’t emphasize enough how little credit I feel like I should take for that prediction. It’s a little like, if we had predicted [in the show] that Hillary Clinton was the president in 2017, there would probably be people asking me about that now. Saying Hillary Clinton was running for president in 2014 or 2013 . . . that would’ve also been a pretty easy call to make based on the information that we had at the time. We’re not like wizards.”

I think I speak for all of us when I say yes, sir, you are. You are a beautiful poetic land wizard.

And, obviously, no one is happier than Ron Swanson himself Nick Offerman.