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Why Are Fox News' Jesse Watters and GOP Rep. Jason Chaffetz Taking Unexpected Vacations?

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | April 27, 2017 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | April 27, 2017 |

Just three days into his stint in the center chair on Fox News’ The Five — which moved into Tucker Carlson’s slot, after he moved to Bill O’Reilly’s — Jesse Watters is taking a short vacation break. “I’m going to be taking a vacation with my family, so I’m not going to be here tomorrow,” he said on the show last night.

Huh. A vacation just one day after coming under fire for making a blow job joke at Ivanka Trump’s expense? What an odd coincidence! I guess Fox News is really cracking down on jokes about the jazzy smooth voices of First Daughters.

This is just what Fox News needs: The protege of Bill O’Reilly coming under fire for demeaning women. But again, what does Fox News expect from the protege of Bill O’Reilly?


Meanwhile, House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz — who announced last week that he wouldn’t seek re-election, and then announced the next day that he may not complete his term as a GOP representative from Utah — is also taking an unexpected leave. He says he has to have “immediate” surgery on a foot he injured 12 years ago. The surgery will put Chaffetz out of commission until mid-May.

The timing here is awfully suspect, as well, coming just two days after Chaffetz said during a press briefing that Michael Flynn had broken the law. On that same day, the White House also denied a request from Chaffetz and the House Oversight Committee for documents pertaining to Michael Flynn.

I don’t know what’s going on here, but it is fishy as hell. My best guess — and I think the most innocent explanation — is that Chaffetz doesn’t want to be around when the sh*t comes raining down on Michael Flynn (and potentially the White House). The more cynical explanation is that he’s taking a leave at this moment to help stall an investigation.

In either respect, the surgery comes at an odd time, when the GOP is trying to pass an Obamacare replacement bill ahead of Trump’s 100th day in office.

I will note, though it’s almost certainly total bullshit, that the conspiracy theorists on the left are suggesting that Chaffetz is under FBI investigation for taking $10 million in Russian hush money from Donald Trump, and that’s why he’s leaving.


via Politico