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The Front Pages of the Nation's Newspapers Contradict Donald Trump's Vindication Claims

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | June 9, 2017 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | June 9, 2017 |

After the fourth longest dry spell on Twitter of his Presidency, Donald Trump took to Twitter this morning to 1)
accuse James Comey of perjury by suggesting that he lied under oath, and 2) thank Fox & Friends for their coverage of the hearing.

I suppose if you live in the Fox News bubble — as apparently 35 percent of the country does — you may have been left with the impression from news coverage that Trump was vindicated (on the Fox News home page at the moment, they’re busy focusing on their belief that Reality Winner is a terrorist because the “Comey is a leaker” narrative doesn’t have a lot of legs).

However, the rest of the country can take solace in the front pages of some of the leading (and regional) newspapers around the country this morning. There’s not a lot of “vindication” in there for Donald Trump.