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Seth Meyers Relishes Trump's Tremendously Bad Week

By Kristy Puchko | Politics | October 14, 2016 |

By Kristy Puchko | Politics | October 14, 2016 |

Few things are as perplexing this election season as the coverage out of NBC. The network allowed bigot Donald Trump to host Saturday Night Live, but later viciously righteously mocked him with the help of sunshine-American Lin-Manuel Miranda. Their Access Hollywood tape marked a major turning point in Trump’s campaign (from bad to THIS PARACHUTE IS A KNAPSACK!), but the network didn’t release it, The Washington Post did.

Their late-night line-up is another realm of double-speak. On one hand, you have Jimmy Fallon, who never met a bit he couldn’t giggle through. The Tonight Show host earned our ire when he treated Trump like a lovable racist grandpa, instead of a dangerous demagogue. But then—thankfully—we have Seth Meyers, who has been using Late Night as a podium to take down Trump and his vile agenda, one “Closer Look” at a time.

In the latest, Meyers looks at the shit storm brewing post Trump Tape, how the GOP is spiraling to spin “locker room talk” plus the latest allegations of sexual assault, that bonkers Beyhive-baiting moment, and Mike Huckabee’s fantastic Jaws metaphor.

“When people ask why women wait to report sexual assault,” Meyers says of Trump’s grotesque excuse brigade, “That’s why. Because instead of believing them, you question their motives. Stop pretending there’s an optimal time for women to go public with these kind of obligations. It’s not like if you do it in the first 24 hours you get a parade and an iTunes gift card!”

Damn, Seth. You’re gunning hard for Pajiba 10 2017, and it’s only October!

Kristy Puchko is really fucking sick of this “WHY NOW” bullshit.