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Just Another Day in the Trump White House

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | January 9, 2019 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | January 9, 2019 |


President Trump met with Congressional leaders today to negotiate an end to the government shutdown. According to Chuck Schumer, he asked Pelosi if she would support the wall. She said no, and that the evidence did not support the “crisis” Trump has manufactured. Trump, in turn, slammed down his hands and walked out.

The House Minority Leader, Kevin McCarthy, however, said that Schumer mischaracterized the meeting, neglecting to note that Trump … uh, brought candy.

Trump, however, immediately took to Twitter and basically sold McCarthy out by basically confirming Schumer’s version of events.

Pelosi burns Trump again.

The shutdown is currently in its 19th day.

This has been another day in the Trump White House. Please tune in tomorrow for the next exhilarating episode.

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