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If You Were Wondering If Ivanka Might Ever Wise Up and Cut Ties...LOL No

By Courtney Enlow | Politics | November 16, 2016 |

By Courtney Enlow | Politics | November 16, 2016 |

Many of us have, at one point or another throughout this long-lasting fright turned endless hellscape, wondered what of Ivanka? Like, she seems smart. She seems at least a little less evil than her brothers. What could she possibly have to gain here? If anything, she’s losing business. Definitely losing at least one friend. Double definitely losing her dignity.

So what impetus at all does Ivanka have to stay in the picture? Is she a daughter trapped by a terrifying father who has routinely sexualized her?

I mean, yes, but also, THAT SICK JEWELRY LINE MONEY, Y’ALL!

And that’s where we are today. People are fearing for their lives and livelihoods and someone, anyone, should stand up and do something. But THE BANGLE. She has to sell THAT BANGLE.

So you see her predicament. You guys understand. Send her a postcard once you’re sent home though, she loooooooves other cultures like her dad loves taco bowls.