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'Making a Murderer' Is Returning to Netflix with More One-Sided Episodes

By Dustin Rowles | Streaming | July 19, 2016 |

By Dustin Rowles | Streaming | July 19, 2016 |

The executive producers/directors of Netflix’s Making a Murderer, Laura Ricciardi and Moira Demos, are currently in the process of producing more episodes of the documentary series, which will be aired on the streaming network. The second season will look into the post-conviction process and offer “exclusive access to Avery’s new lawyer Kathleen Zellner and Dassey’s legal team, led by Laura Nirider and Steve Drizin.”

In other words, the next chapter in Making a Murderer will continue to be a one-sided examination of the “emotional toll” the process has been on Steven Avery and Brendan Dassey, the two men convicted for the murder of Teresa Halbach.

If there’s any doubt about Steven Avery’s guilt, you need only read this and this. Brendan Dassey is not a saint in this, either, and Making a Murderer clearly misrepresented the case against him.

One would imagine that a second season would be more of the same.