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Beyoncé Cuts Loose, Releases New Video, Remains Flawless

By Genevieve Burgess | Music | November 22, 2014 | Comments ()

Beyoncé released a new music video last night for a track called “7/11” that’s a bonus track for the new platinum edition of her album Beyoncé which she surprise-released last year in December. The release of Beyoncé demonstrated the absolute control the singer had over her creative process; it was an album made up largely of radio-unfriendly songs, released with a full set of accompanying videos, with absolutely no leaks before the December 13th drop date, and it managed to sell well enough to make the top ten selling albums of 2013 even though it was released just two weeks before the end of the year. Every piece of it was carefully coordinated and considered before the release. In direct contrast to that, here’s her new video for “7/11” which was shot in a hotel suite, partially with a selfie stick, where Beyoncé and her dancers appear to goof around while drinking.

Another radio unfriendly single, but with a video demonstrating exactly how it will likely be played; as part of a ‘going out’ or ‘girl’s night’ routine with fans’ versions of the choreography Vined over and over again.

Beyoncé is a marketing genius and none of you can tell me different.

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