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The Pajiba Movie Club Returns With ... ?

By Dustin Rowles | Miscellaneous | February 22, 2010 |

By Dustin Rowles | Miscellaneous | February 22, 2010 |

We’ve taken a couple of months off from the Pajiba Movie Club (although, it appears that the AOL-owned blogs have taken up the idea), but with end-of-year and end-of-decade lists past us now, and with the first Pajiba Book Club discussion arriving on Thursday (this will serve as your reminder), I thought we’d step back into it for March.

Instead of hitting on an older classic, like Night of the Living Dead, or a smaller but thought-provoking film like Good Night and Good Luck or Let the Right One In from previous Movie Club discussions, I thought we’d hit one that is almost unanimously well regarded: 1994’s Shawshank Redemption. It may not be everyone’s favorite movie, but I don’t know anyone who dislikes it. I’d also like an excuse to write up a full-length review of it for our archives, and a Movie Club discussion is excuse enough.

Since it’s a movie most everyone has seen, I’m going to decrease the window for revisiting it, so check back on March 4th at around 2 PM EST for the discussion. And don’t forget: The Lolita discussion, headed up by Yossarian, will take place this Thursday afternoon.