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The Pajiba Fictional Character Sex Tournament - The F*ckening Finals

By Rebecca Pahle | Miscellaneous | April 6, 2016 |

By Rebecca Pahle | Miscellaneous | April 6, 2016 |

Well bless my stars and garters. You sons of bitches really did it. You voted Poe Dameron out of the Fuckening.


(Click to embiggen.)

Goodnight, sweet prince. May flights of hip-swaggering pilots lead thee to thy rest.

get (1) oscar isaac.gif

And with that, our Fuckening final comes down to two strong-willed badasses from the 1940s with double lives and a penchant for really cool hats. Man, it’s almost like you all have a type or something. I’d be completely OK with Peggy and Indy putting aside their rivalry and proving their sexual prowess in a mutual capacity, ahem ahem, but we do have to pick a winner.

Spy vs scientist.

peggy carter walk walk fashion baby.gif

nothing shocks me i'm a scientist.gif

Woman vs man.

pegs gold dress.gif

indiana smile.gif

Recent obsession vs. eternal, undying thirst.

darling you have no idea.gif


It all comes down to this.

THE FUCKENING. Who is better in bed, Peggy Carter or Indiana Jones?

Vote early and vote often. I don’t care about fair play. Clear those cookies and get down to doing the Lord’s work. We have a Fuckening champion to crown.