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Sir Ian McKellan Weds Patrick Stewart To His Lady. Your Nergasm Will Live In Infamy.

By Joanna Robinson | Miscellaneous | September 9, 2013 |

By Joanna Robinson | Miscellaneous | September 9, 2013 |

I don’t know what divine providence led these two plummy ol’ knights to Twitter, but my world has been a lot better for it. Sir Patrick Stewart married his girlfriend (she of rooftop, triple take fame) over the weekend and I bet you wish you said your “I Dos” in front of Gandalf.


The couple announced their union to the world in a cute little call back to an earlier piece of silliness from Stewart. The original silly…

…the nuptial silly.
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I’ve wished for a lot of things in my life but I never thought to wish for Captain Picard to announce his marriage in a ball pit with a Sixteen Candles quote. Mazel.