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Maine's Governor Says President Obama "Hates White People," Continues To Be The Country's Worst Governor

By Dustin Rowles | Miscellaneous | August 20, 2013 |

By Dustin Rowles | Miscellaneous | August 20, 2013 |

I’ve mentioned this before, but I feel like it needs to be said in defense of my home state of Maine: Our crazy, awful, lunatic Tea Party Governor is a product of a state that doesn’t have a run-off vote. In 2010, Governor LePage was voted Governor of a fairly progressive New England state because the hapless Democrat and a popular Independent candidate split the vote, giving the election to LePage with only 38 percent of the popular vote.

Since then, this man has embarrassed this state at every conceivable goddamn turn. Here is a sampling of the horrible things he’s said as Governor:

  • On his desire to repeal a law banning Bisphenol A, a chemical compound used in plastics: “The only thing that I’ve heard is if you take a plastic bottle and put it in the microwave and you heat it up, it gives off a chemical similar to estrogen. So the worst case is some women may have little beards.”

  • He called the IRS the “new gestapo” although he didn’t seem to have a complete understanding of what the gestapo was, saying only that he knew they “killed a lot of people,” which is what he thought the IRS was doing in enforcing Obama’s health-care law.

  • A few months ago, he suggested of one of our Democratic state reps, who was blocking LePage’s agenda, that he “claims to be for the people but he’s the first one to give it to the people without providing Vaseline,” and doubled down by suggesting that the state rep — a former logger — “ought to go back into the woods and cut trees and let someone with a brain come down here and do some good work.” That’ s probably not the wisest thing to say in a state where logging is a big industry.

  • LePage, not a fan of the local newspapers, also told a group of school students once that “Reading newspapers in the state of Maine is like paying somebody to tell you lies.” Earlier this month, while using an F-35 Lightning II simulator, he also said that he wanted “to find the Portland Press Herald building and blow it up.” Classy.

  • I won’t even get into the details of his decision to remove a mural from the state house in his first weeks in office because he thought the mural was pro-Union, a controversy that made national headlines.

    Thirteen state Republicans also renounced their party earlier this week in part because of LePage and his assholery. If you’re running as a Republican in this state — a state once known for reasonable, common sense Republicans (see Olympia Snow, Susan Collins), you’ve got not shot in hell if you in any way associate yourself with LePage.

    And now, LePage has dug himself in even deeper, telling a group of Republicans at a donor meeting last week that “Obama hates white people.” Nevermind that Obama is half-white and that he was raised, in part, by his white grandparents: Obama is a failure as a President because, as a biracial President, he failed to emphasize his white heritage because “he hates white people.”

    Of course he does.

    It should be noted that Obama won 58 percent of the white vote in Maine (which is 99 percent white) in the last election, while LePage only mustered 38 percent, which at least suggests that the state’s white people like Obama more than they like LePage.

    Anyway, I just wanted to apologize to the rest of the country on behalf of our state and the moron we’ve inadvertently elected to run it.

    Oh, I’m sorry. LePage is not the worst governor in the country; he’s apparently, the second worst.

    (Source: Portland Press Herald)