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It's a Slow News Day. Here's the 'Big Fat Anniversary Quiz 2015.'

By Genevieve Burgess | Miscellaneous | January 3, 2015 |

By Genevieve Burgess | Miscellaneous | January 3, 2015 |

Hello, all, and Happy New Year! It’s my first weekend back on in 2015 and as anticipated for a nearly holiday weekend, there is not much going on in the world. Even my traditional Saturday fall back of posting Graham Norton clips has failed me, so I had to look further afield for somewhat amusing British television to repost like it’s news. Hence, the Big Fat Anniversary Quiz 2015, the tenth anniversary of this quiz, in all 90+ minutes of glory.

Highlights (from the first 15 minutes or so) include Noel Fielding’s bedazzled onesie, Russell Brand’s attempts at self satirization, small children reenacting the launch of the Large Hadron Collider, and pop culture references I find charmingly indecipherable. Here’s hoping things pick up a bit later today.