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Is Fox Using 'The X-Files' Return to Kick Off a Reboot? Meet Your (Possibly) New Scully and Mulder

By Cindy Davis | Miscellaneous | July 23, 2015 |

By Cindy Davis | Miscellaneous | July 23, 2015 |

In preparation for its upcoming return, I’m knees deep in the middle of an “X-Files” rewatch/introduction to my eldest daughter who remained unfazed by last night’s gruesome “Humbug” and “The Calusari” viewings. It’s been wonderful to revisit Scully and Mulder in their fresh-faced (if not optomistic) youth, and to remind myself of how absolutely fantastic an actress Gillian Anderson has always been. She uses her face as an emotional blackboard, constantly reworking expressive formulations, quickly erasing a hint of fear or disbelief, and replacing it with assured confidence in her intellectual mind (though sometimes a quiet gasp or a tear escapes Scully’s control). I can’t wait to see how age and experience — and time apart — have changed Fox and Dana.

Realizing that they may be ushering in a whole new generation of potential fans has to be tempting to a network, but for Anderson and Duchovny, going beyond a miniseries is likely a no-go. Even without the recently cancelled Hannibal Anderson has a pretty packed schedule (The Fall, War and Peace, A Streetcar Named Desire). So, what’s the logical next step for Fox (the network), who’ve proven they can never let a successful franchise go? Why, a reboot, of course. Though this is pure speculation on my part, there’s no way that the just announced addition of two actors playing FBI agents just happen to so closely resemble a young Mulder and Scully:


Lauren Ambrose (The Dig, Six Feet Under) and Robbie Amell (The Flash, The DUFF) will appear in at least one episode (Amell’s imdb page lists him for six) as FBI agents Einstein and Miller, respectively. Ambrose’s Einstein is described as the “sharp and confident” counterpart to Amell’s “smart and smooth” Agent Miller. Noting the actors’ physical similarities to Anderson and Duchovny, Variety confirmed Amell and Ambrose will not appear in a flashback episode, but I guarantee, that likeness is no coincidence. You guys, either their younger twins are an alien Mulder/Scully cloning project, or we are totally getting an X-Files reboot. You have to believe me. (Nobody else on this whole damn planet does or ever will. You’re my one in five billion.)

Cindy Davis, (Twitter)