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Beastie Boys 1, Adorable Little Girls 0

By Joanna Robinson | Miscellaneous | November 27, 2013 |

By Joanna Robinson | Miscellaneous | November 27, 2013 |

In an open letter on their website, GoldieBlox admit defeat in their fight with the Beastie Boys over their parody of the song “Girls.” Much like the letter the Beastie Boys wrote to GoldieBlox, this concession is both respectful and a little spiky.

Dear Adam and Mike,

We don’t want to fight with you. We love you and we are actually huge fans.

When we made our parody version of your song, ‘Girls’, we did it with the best of intentions. We wanted to take a song we weren’t too proud of, and transform it into a powerful anthem for girls. Over the past week, parents have sent us pictures and videos of their kids singing the new lyrics with pride, building their own Rube Goldberg machines in their living rooms and declaring an interest in engineering. It’s been incredible to watch.

Our hearts sank last week when your lawyers called us with threats that we took very seriously. As a small company, we had no choice but to stand up for ourselves. We did so sincerely hoping we could come to a peaceful settlement with you.

We want you to know that when we posted the video, we were completely unaware that the late, great Adam Yauch had requested in his will that the Beastie Boys songs never be used in advertising. Although we believe our parody video falls under fair use, we would like to respect his wishes and yours.

Since actions speak louder than words, we have already removed the song from our video. In addition, we are ready to stop the lawsuit as long as this means we will no longer be under threat from your legal team.

We don’t want to spend our time fighting legal battles. We want to inspire the next generation. We want to be good role models. And we want to be your friends.


Debbie + Team GoldieBlox

I look forward to what GoldieBlox does next and hope that even this dicey publicity boosts the sales of their fantastic product.

(via GoldieBlox)