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Marvel Characters Are Saturating Theaters And Dripping Behind-the-Scenes Peeks All Over

By Jodi Smith | Marvel Movies | February 24, 2014 |

By Jodi Smith | Marvel Movies | February 24, 2014 |

First up we have Marvel Studios’ upcoming Captain America: The Winter Soldier. It, of course, stars Chris Evans as Cap and Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow. We also get some Anthony Mackie, Cobie Smulders, and The Winter Soldier himself, Sebastian Stan.










In case you haven’t collected them all, here are the five very short videos introducing each of the Guardians of the Galaxy:

Sony’s piece of the Marvel Universe, The Amazing Spider-Man 2, has released footage featuring Jamie Foxx’s Electro and Spidey himself. We also get Dan Dehaan’s pumpkin-shaped cranium, the gorgeous Emma Stone, some Rhino armor, and a glimpse of a Green Goblin Glider. I swear, I will walk out of this movie if they actually use even a third of the slow motion shots featured here. JUST PLAY REGULAR SPEED.

Finally, Bryan Singer would like us to be able to make a flip book of X-Men: Days of Future Past before it ever hits theaters. I applaud his unique take on the crowded superhero marketplace and look forward to switching some of the photos around to some Wolverine and Bishop action happening.





Well would you look at that. Looks like Fox got their Scarlet Witch in this movie after all. Sneaky bastards.