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CineFix Discusses Differences Between 'Days of Future Past' the Movie and the Comics

By Jodi Smith | Marvel Movies | July 29, 2015 |

By Jodi Smith | Marvel Movies | July 29, 2015 |

The Cinefix YouTube channel put together a nearly 15 minute comparison of the 2014 X-Men: Days of Future Past movie and the 1981 Days of Future Past comic.

They talk about the difference in Sentinels, the mutants left alive, and the swap of the main character from Kitty Pryde in the comics to Wolverine in the movie. Keep in mind that Cinefix isn’t so much railing against the differences as they are just pointing them out for NERDS. Like us.

They do, however, make fart noises anytime the have to mention X-Men: The Last Stand. Like us.


H/T The Playlist