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The News Feed


Orlando Bloom On His Relationship With Katy Perry: ‘We’re Just Gonna Build a Sandcastle’

Tyler Cameron Says ‘Stubborn Old People’ Gerry Turner and Theresa Nist Put a ‘Stain On Love’

Leonardo DiCaprio Was Almost Zack Snyder's Lex Luthor

Roy Wood Jr. Apologized For That Viral 'Daily Show' Moment

Tom Cruise Wanted to Play Rorschach in Zack Snyder’s ‘Watchmen’

Penn. School Board Cancels Anti-Bullying Talk From Actor Maulik Pancholy Cuz Of His 'Lifestyle'

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RFK Jr and Aaron Rodgers Should Shut Up About AIDS

'The Jinx' Filmmakers 'Screamed' When They First Heard Robert Durst Say He 'Killed Them All'

Three Trailers: Holes, Hacks, and Jinkies

Orlando Bloom On His Relationship With Katy Perry: ‘We’re Just Gonna Build a Sandcastle’

'Ghosts,' Briefly a Hole Show, Airs Its Best Episode of the Season


Review: Look, You Knew ‘Back to Black’ Was Bad, BUT STILL!

Review: ‘Under the Bridge’ Is a Must-Watch True Crime Series That Gives the Victim a Voice

Review: ‘Sting’ is a Charming Creature Feature and What I Wanted from ‘Evil Dead Rise’

Review: Alex Garland's 'Civil War' Is A Scary Minefield of Apolitical Provocations

Finally, Our First Great Studio Horror Film of the Year

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