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Dany Loses Her Claim To The Throne on 'Game of Thrones,' and Twitter Freaks Out

By Dustin Rowles | Game of Thrones | August 14, 2017 |

By Dustin Rowles | Game of Thrones | August 14, 2017 |

We learned a lot from last night’s Game of Thrones, which is suddenly moving at breakneck speed. Indeed, thanks to Gilly, we learned that Dany no longer has claim to the Iron Throne — the breaker of chains has lost that claim to Jon Snow. Now it’s only a matter of her — and Jon — figuring that out.

So, let’s give it up to Gilly, who not only learned how to read, but used that ability to break the news:

Goddamnit, Sam:

Not that it wasn’t double confirmed, but triple confirmation doesn’t hurt:

Could we use even more confirmation? Maybe.



And some took the theory to its “natural” conclusion:

Now we just have to hope that Jon Snow survives his suicide mission to he can ultimately take the throne.