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There's A Lot of Things About this New Joker Spin-Off That Don't Make a Lick of Damn Sense

By Dustin Rowles | Film | September 1, 2017 |

By Dustin Rowles | Film | September 1, 2017 |

I know we have been reporting a lot of news on Joker movies lately, but it’s in one ear and out the other for me. Whenever I see a story about a new Joker movie, all I see is this …


… then my brain shuts off and I stop processing thoughts for roughly six minutes. Ergo, when it was mentioned the other day that Martin Scorsese was involved with a Joker spin-off, I only saw the word Joker and …


… where was I?

It’s a lot like the Worthington Effect.

However, my brain was able to override Jared Leto’s face temporarily on a news piece today when I saw the name Leo DiCaprio, but only long enough to see the words “Todd Phillips” and “Joker Movie” before completely shutting down again. From Deadline:

Warner Bros and DC are in the early stages of another Batman Universe spinoff movie, this one telling the origin story of the signature villain The Joker. The studio has set The Hangover’s Todd Phillips to co-write a script with 8 Mile scribe Scott Silver. Phillips will direct the movie, and Martin Scorsese will produce it with Phillips.

I read that paragraph six times, and it still never computed. Joker? Todd Phillips? Martin Scorsese? In isolation, those three things makes sense, but together? It’s like: Toxic sludge. Gravy. Chocolate Ice Cream.


Well, we can potentially also add this name to the mix: Leo DiCaprio. The Hollywood Reporter is suggesting that, now that Scorsese is aboard, D.C. will reach out to DiCaprio to be a part of the film so that they can “elevate and diversify the studio’s contributions to the genre, creating the potential to make awards-worthy films such as Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight trilogy.”

My brain just broke again. Awards-worthy and DiCaprio, I get. Awards-worthy and Scorsese, I get. Awards-worthy and Joker, I sort of get, but awards-worthy and Todd Phillips …


… goddamn it, where was I again?

via KURP