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From Shutter Island With Love

By Genevieve Burgess | DVD Releases | June 8, 2010 |

By Genevieve Burgess | DVD Releases | June 8, 2010 |

Shutter Island: “Shutter Island is a noir-ish pulpy b-movie with so many red herrings it’s hard not to bump your head on one or three. The movie might have felt a little overcooked, or a little too cheesy, with DiCaprio, his fedora, and his hardened Boston accent straight out of The Departed, but we trust Scorsese. Trust that he knows what he’s doing, that the confused tone; the middling, lumbering second act; the horror movie clichés; the ponderous, screechy score; the derivative visual nods; and the unnecessary CGI corpses are intentional. It can’t be simple hackery or Hollywood excess, because this is Martin Scorsese, who gave us Raging Bull and Taxi Driver, for God’s sake. Right?” - Dustin Rowles

From Paris With Love: “There are worse action movies than From Paris with Love but there are few as generic. It’s straight-line predictable and yet it’s completely nonsensical, like a connect-the-dot abstract painting. Set in Paris, Jonathon Rhys-Meyers stars as James Reece, an assistant to an American diplomat attempting to work his way up the covert operative ladder. Minutes after getting engaged to a local woman, Caroline (Kasia Smutniak), Reece gets his chance at that promotion — he need only drive around an American operative, Charlie Wax (John Travolta) while he’s on a mission in Paris.” - Dustin Rowles

Also released this week: 180º South, Coach, Monty Python: Not the Messiah, The Cry of the Owl, Shinjuku Incident