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Yes, Of Course Sterling K. Brown Can Sing, Too

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | September 20, 2017 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | September 20, 2017 |

Earlier this week, I fell into a Sterling K. Brown rabbit hole, because while I’d like to say that I was on the STK bandwagon long before he played Christopher Darden on The People vs. O.J. Simpson, the reality is, he mostly played recurring roles in procedurals aside from a stint on Army Wives, a Lifetime series that I never watched. So, I don’t know as much about Sterling K. Brown as I’d like to.

But now I know a few things.

— He graduated from Stanford (which he mentioned in his Emmys speech), as well as NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts, so he’s a regular thespian.

— He’s married to his college sweetheart, Ryan Michelle Bathe, who is also an actress. Her I actually do remember from a brief stint on Boston Legal (Denny Crane!)


— They have two sons together. He and his wife are self-described “crunchy, granola Black people,” and he actually delivered their oldest son, because his wife had a very quick labor before their doula could show up. It’s a great story

— His next project? He’s playing Joseph Spell opposite Chadwick Boseman’s Thurgood Marshall in Marshall. The movie is about a black chauffeur who is defended by Thurgood Marshall in 1940 after being accused of raping a white woman (Kate Hudson’s Eleanor Strubing). It’s a super fascinating, groundbreaking case. The trailer? I dunno. I’m not sure why it’s necessary to frame Thurgood Marshall as, like, an action hero, but OK?

SKB will also reunite with Chadwick Boseman in Black Panther before appearing in another remake of Predator.

— But can he sing? I mean, that’s what we all really want to know, right? OF COURSE HE CAN SING. Here he is with his Marshall co-stars covering a Boys2Men song:

You need more proof. Here he is singing a duet with Kristen Chenowith, and dude has an amazing voice. He’s got that Jesse L. Martin timbre that could allow him to sing, like, a Palmolive commercial jingle and still bring the house down.

Speaking of Jesse L. Martin:

Jesse L. Martin and Sterling K. Brown in a remake of Guys and Dolls?

Let’s do it, Hollywood. If you want to make it a shirtless remake, we’d be OK with that, too.
