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Reminder: Despite Internet's Best Efforts, Miles Teller Still a Thing

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | September 1, 2017 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | September 1, 2017 |

Audiences are not enamored with Miles Teller, and they honestly never have been. Take the Divergent series out of the equation (where Teller is part of an ensemble cast lead by Shailene Woodley), and Teller’s biggest film so far? The $56 million grossing Fantastic Four, followed by the $54 million grossing Project X. Granted, he got a lot of notice for Whiplash ($13 million) and he was actually great in The Spectacular Now ($6.8 million), but there’s nothing in his CV that really justifies Hollywood’s eager attempts to continue trying to make Miles Teller happen. His history of douchey public statements hasn’t helped, either.

Nevertheless, October will see the release of two Miles Teller movies on back-to-back weeks. On October 20th, he’ll star in Only the Brave, a movie inspired by true events about firefighters battling an out-of-control forest fire.

The very next week, Teller will star in Thank You for Your Service, a movie inspired by true events about a man dealing with PTSD after returning from Iraq.

You see what’s happening here, don’t you? Teller is playing blue-collar workers in mid-budget movies inspired by true events. Hollywood is trying to make him the next Mark Wahlberg before Mark Wahlberg is too old to play Mark Wahlberg roles and has to start playing the father to Mark Wahlberg characters.

I guess Ansel Elgort is too pretty to play white, blue-collar roles. To be fair, there’s not a lot of established bland white guys who can pass as soldiers and/or firefighters in their 20s around and Eastwood’s kid ain’t cutting it, so I guess the job is Teller’s until someone better comes along.