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Patrick Stewart's Perfect Twitter Reaction To 'The Guardian' Outing Him As Gay

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | February 20, 2014 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | February 20, 2014 |

Last week, in writing a piece about why Ellen Page coming out shouldn’t have been a big deal, a contributor at The Guardian inadvertently identified Patrick Stewart as one of Page’s gay supporters, which was troubling, I’m sure, to only Patrick Stewart’s new wife, Sunny Ozell. More troubling were the dashed hopes of thousands of gay men when The Guardian corrected the piece.

Patrick Stewart, to his credit, took it in stride.

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After all, how could he be gay? He has straight friends!

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Of course, he does spend a lot of time with Sir Ian McKellan, who is gay.

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Oh, well. That answers that, then. It’s too bad, though, because if you could catch gay, I know plenty of gay men who wouldn’t hesitate to cough all over Patrick Stewart.

(Source: Twitter via Celebitchy)