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In Single Tweet, Seth Rogen Gets at the Heart of the Hobby Lobby Ruling

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | July 2, 2014 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | July 2, 2014 |

I’ve read a lot about the Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby ruling this week, and as a guy who went to law school, I thought I’d be able to locate some logical legal reasoning to back the ruling. Back in the old days, even when the Supreme Court arrived at decisions you didn’t necessarily like, they usually had a very solid legal foundation (save for the liberal Brennan court, which just kind of made up stuff and argued that everything fit within the “spirit” of the Constitution. I liked the Brennan court). Scalia, in particular, has always been a shi*head, but he always rooted his sh*t-headedness in strict constructionism, which is to say: He read the Constitution literally, and if it wasn’t in there, then f**k you.

Alito’s decision here, however, makes no f**king sense from a legal perspective. It’s one of those daffy rulings where the Court decides to carve out a very limited ruling, and says that it only essentially applies to the facts of this case, knowing that lower courts are going to interpret it more broadly, and when they do, SCOTUS will probably sit on their hands and let corporations continue to erode our rights. “Oh, we’ll just limit this ruling to ‘closely-held corporations,’ which has a very loose definition, and we’ll let the lawyers sort it out in future arguments and we will never, ever clarify the definition, unless the definition lower courts arrive at goes against our interests, i.e., the interests of the corporations.”

Anyway, Seth Rogen probably doesn’t have a clear understanding of the law in this case, but neither apparently did Justice Alito, so Rogen’s opinion on Twitter holds as much weight to me as Alito’s opinion on the Supreme Court.

That about sums it up. This is also a good point.

And his follow-up tweet probably also puts him in the same company as Alito.