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Danielle 'Topanga' Fishel Responds After Internet Calls Her a 'Fat Cougar' In Her Wedding Dress

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | October 25, 2013 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | October 25, 2013 |

Daniel Radcliffe was on the Nerdist podcast the other day, and besides being incredibly charming, geeky as hell, and adorably fawning all over Tom Brady (and Gisele Bundchen), he cited a great quote from The Thick Of It to explain why he doesn’t have a Twitter account: “It’s like opening a door to a roomful of people telling you how sh*t you are!”

That’s sounds about right, and celebrities should probably know better than to read their Twitter responses and Internet comments about them. The Internet can be a cesspool of trolling anal fissures on even those days in which you should be immune from criticism. That did not, however, stop the Internet from attacking how Boy Meets World’s Danielle Fishel looked ON HER WEDDING DAY, suggesting she looked fat in her wedding dress, and calling her a cougar for marrying someone a mere seven years her junior.

Instead of crawling into a corner and crying at yet another instance of Internet asshattery, Ms. Fishel took to Twitter:

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By the way, she looked stunning in her wedding gown.