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'Black-ish' Creator Kenya Barris Appropriately Calls Out Judd Apatow for Bill Cosby Obsession

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | December 30, 2014 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | December 30, 2014 |

If you haven’t been following along, Judd Apatow has been ranting about Bill Cosby all week, and it’s well-intentioned ranting. Apatow believes that Bill Cosby is a monster, he’s been berating venues that have booked Cosby (though, apparently, it’s very difficult to “unbook” him) and even attacking Bill Cosby defenders on Twitter because Apatow clearly doesn’t have a lot going on during the holidays. Apatow’s mind is in the right place, but at a certain point, it becomes overkill, as Black-ish creator Kenya Barris pointed out to him in a series of Tweets taking Apatow to task for making jokes on Twitter along the lines of ” “I am pretty sure I have had sex with less people than he raped.”

Granted, my first instinct here was to think, “Dude. Lay off Apatow. Who the fuck cares about Cosby?” But the more of Barris’ tweets I read, the more I began to understand what he’s getting at. He makes a good point, too.

And that’s how you respectfully take down an idol (Apatow hasn’t responded yet, but I suspect that he’s a reasonable guy who will also see and understand the point that Barris is making).

p.s. Black-ish is a great fucking show.

via: THR