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Adam F. Goldberg Continues His Long-Running Pissing Match with Adam Goldberg on 'The Goldbergs'

By Emily Cutler | Celebrity | December 9, 2016 |

By Emily Cutler | Celebrity | December 9, 2016 |

If you’re not watching The Goldbergs 1) you’re very foolish, and 2) you’re probably missing out on the greatest running gag currently on TV (Paul Rudd’s Conan appearances notwithstanding). See, it all started last summer when Adam Goldberg the actor got into an embarrassing pissing match with Adam Goldberg the TV creator on Twitter. It basically boiled down to “You have the same name so people confuse us, and I’m enraged by that!” It took the Real Smother herself Beverly Goldberg to step in and quash the beef by reminding them, “Hey, people can see you.” Although, I secretly hope her private reaction was more like this.


So that’s the end of it, right? Two Hollywood types got into a stupid fight, and then it was over? Nope. The Goldbergs writers decided no one comes at their Adam and gets away with it. And thus they introduced a new character at fictional Adam’s new high school: Adam Goldberg. Meaning our Adam needed to differentiate himself. Or as the character explained in this week’s episode:

Adam F. Goldberg. Gotta use the middle initial because there’s another Adam Goldberg in school, and he’s very mad about the same name situation.

They’ve worked this joke into nearly every episode this season.

There’s a part of me that knows this is childish, and that everyone involved needs to let it go. A much bigger part of me, though? It thinks:


I love both a good joke and a good grudge. So I’m fully on board for this. Also my general impression of Actor Adam Goldberg is that he’s kind of a dick regardless of what Seth says.

So roast on, writing staff of The Goldbergs. And if you can, work in Beverly talking about Adam F. Goldberg while swearing. That would be gold.