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10 Internet Crushes You've Not Been Properly Nursing Lately

By Dustin Rowles | Case Study In Hotness | November 11, 2015 |

By Dustin Rowles | Case Study In Hotness | November 11, 2015 |

Lauren Ambrose — A decade ago, she’s all you could talk about. You were crushing on her back in your MySpace pages. Now? You just let it die, you bastards. (She’ll be on The X-Files in January, so maybe that old crush will find a flame again).


Pedro Pascal — The light burned so bright during Game of Thrones, and then it faded, and then he did Narcos and you never got around to watching it, and the flame is flickering, flickering, flickering.


Christina Hendricks — Sure, Mad Men is over, and sure, she bailed on Cameron Crowe’s Showtime series, but she’s still around. She’s still hot. Don’t forget about Christina Hendricks, people.


Kristen Bell — Typical of you all to forget about a crush when she goes on maternity leave. SHE’S NOT TAKING MATERNITY LEAVE FROM CRUSHDOM. Not everyone will pose in a tree for you. GOD.


Gina Carano — Just because Ronda Rousey comes around means you can forget about Gina Carano? THERE’S ENOUGH ROOM FOR TWO GLORIOUSLY STRONG KICK-ASS WOMEN WHO CAN KICK YOUR ASS IN YOUR HEARTS.


Eva Greene — The woman is evil sexy. Evil sexy never goes out of style, people.


Colin Firth — What happened? There was like a 7-year period where you loved bad Christmas sweaters because of this man. Plus, look how clean he is!


Gael Garcia Bernal — He’s on an Amazon series, people. A great one, at that. And you killed your lingering love.


Ewan McGregor — He’s in, like, five movies every year, and you don’t watch them anymore. Nevermind that most of them are bad. YOU OWE IT TO HIM.


Samira Wiley — Last year, she was in the Pajiba 10. This year, she got like 6 votes. Fickle people.